
Human Rights

Europe must stop exporting its migration fears – or face the consequences

Human Wrongs Watch By Ruben Andersson* London, 13 April 2015 (IRIN)  – In a new column, anthropologist and author of “Illegality, Inc.” Ruben Andersson of the London School of Economics warns that European Union initiatives to collaborate with African states may…

Rafael Correa: “Let’s talk about human rights, in Ecuador there is no torture or extrajudicial executions”

Panama City, Panamá, April 11 (Andes) – In a celebrated speech at the VII Summit of the Americas, President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, reflected on power relations which have impeded progress in Latin America, press freedom and reproached the US…

Latest Neoliberal attack in the [UK] legal system

By Mel Strickland, for Occupy London Latest neoliberal reform in the legal system: the introduction of criminal court charges coming into effect on 13 April ranging from £150 – £1200 – it will incentivise people to plead guilty as the…

Palestinians join International Criminal Court

Palestinians have formally become a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a membership that enables Palestinians to sue Israeli officials for war crimes. The Palestinian Authority officially joined the ICC on Wednesday, becoming the 123rd member of the Hague-based…

Spaniards refuse to be silenced despite new anti-protest law

by Ashoka Jegroo for Waging Nonviolence Students and free speech defenders hit the streets of Madrid last week to protest two controversial new laws — one targeting students and the other dissent. Spain’s “3+2” law, which shortens undergraduate degrees from…

NYC holds “Day of Remembrance” – American history of Japanese Americans internment camp

On March 28, The New York City Day of Remembrance Committee (DOR), a group of volunteers, held their annual event commemorating the struggles that Japanese Americans endured during World War II. This year’s program was a tribute to the late…

One year on, brands still failing Rana Plaza survivors and victims’ families

Labour behind the label: UK activists join a global day of action for justice 24 April, 2014: Labour rights campaigners will be marking the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster with a memorial action to demand justice for Bangladeshi…

Assange demands rape case files before Sweden questions him

Andes Geneva, Switzerland, March 23 (Andes).- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will agree to be questioned by Swedish prosecutors in London over rape allegations, but only if he is given access to the investigation files, his defence said Monday. “We need…

Teachers and parents sustain the struggle for Mexico’s missing Ayotzinapa students

By Paul Bockingm March 16, 2015 for Waging Nonviolence FIve months ago, Mexico was shaken by one of its worst acts of political violence in decades: the disappearance on September 26 of 43 student teachers and killing of several others from…

Caravana 43 Passed by New York City

In September 2014, dozens of students from Ayotzinapa’s teachers’ college in the Mexican state of Guerrero were attacked by police. #Ayotzi43DCSix people were killed. The police then forcibly disappeared 43 students, who have been missing ever since. The Ayotzinapa 43…

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