
Peace and Disarmament

Netherlands now on an unstoppable path towards denuclearization

Motion adopted by the Dutch Parliament to end the nuclear task of the Netherlands by 2023. A motion proposed by member of parliament Van Dijk (SP) was adopted in which the Parliament agreed that the successor to the F-16 fighter…

The Red Cross and Red Crescent adopts a 4-year action plan towards the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons

The global Red Cross and Red Crescent movement today reiterated its deep concern about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and adopted a four-year action plan towards ensuring that nuclear weapons are never used again. The…

Iran did not block nuclear agreement: Deputy FM

A member of the Iranian delegation in nuclear talks with six world powers says Tehran did not block an agreement in last week’s negotiations in Geneva. “The Islamic Republic of Iran did not prevent a final deal in Geneva,” Iran’s…

50 Organizations Seek Ban on Armed Drones

Fifty organizations and over 75,000 individuals are asking . . . the United Nations Secretary General to investigate the concerns of Navi Pillay, the U.N.’s top human rights official, that drone attacks violate international law — and to ultimately pursue…

Is Kenya on the brink of religious war?

I had joined my fellow members of ‘Sitarusha Mawe Tena Peace Campaign’ and several partners in marking the ‘International Day of Peace’ on the 21st September, 2013 when news of the attack at the Westgate Mall came in. We had…

Where is the wrong? Arms trade on trial

Occupy London Press Release Protesters arrested for taking action against an international arms fair in London have vowed to defend their right to challenge the arms trade. A solidarity demonstration will take place in their support when they appear in…

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Syrian way

Not being a Bible reader I can only take my information from Wikipedia-style hearsay. So, apparently, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were originally in the Book of Revelation named as Conquest, War, Famine and Death. But somewhere along the way,…

Protests in UK about invitation to Alvaro Uribe to talk about the Colombian peace process

Canning House and the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) have invited former president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, to speak on 31 October about “What Price is Peace in Colombia?” A number of Human Rights and Latin American organisations are staging…

UN granted award to Argentina’s program for the Voluntary Surrender of Firearms

The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) has granted its “2013 Future Policy Award” to Argentina, for its National Voluntary Surrender of Firearms Program.  From New York, Justice Minister Julio Alak said that the prize acknowledged “an Argentina’s sustained…

Kenya: workshop on Palestine

Mazin Qumsiyeh* has just returned from a trip to Kenya where he facilitated four days of workshops for a group of young people (aged 18-26) who came from several countries (Tanzania, Kenya, South Sudan, Zambia, Sri Lanka). “I like to…

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