

Iran’s invisible opportunity

Amory B. Lovins, a physicist and ex-Oxford don, is co-founder and chief scientist of the USA’s Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent, entrepreneurial, nonprofit think-and-do institution. Lovins has written a worthy if rather long article titled: “Iran’s invisible opportunity”, here we…

UK bans the EuroMarches from entering Gibraltar

The British government has refused entry into Gibraltar to those marching on the South-East Route, communicating its position through an official document passed to us by the organisers. By Rafael de la Rubia and Maribel Martínez (spokespersons for the EuroMarches2015)…

Happy Birthday Gandhiji: Gandhi Jayanti, Gandhi’s Dream

On behalf of those of us who struggle to honor Gandhi’s legacy to the world, I would like to wish Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi ‘happy birthday!’ Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 and had he defied both the assassin’s…

European citizens self-survey

Euro-Survey will take place from the 1st to the 17th of October and will be promoted by EuroMarches2015 This citizens’ initiative consists of doing an opinion survey of European citizens during EuroMarches2015[1], in all European languages, about the 5 central…

Pro-nuclear politicians never studied what it means to have nuclear weapons

The debate about the future of the UK’s nuclear weapon arsenal is back in the news with the election of the new leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, an avowed anti-nuclear campaigner and someone who has held senior positions…

Obama & Putin Spar at U.N.: Will regime change in Syria further destabilize war-torn nation?

By Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their first formal meeting in two years on Monday in New York to discuss Syria and Ukraine. During the 90-minute meeting, Obama and Putin agreed…

Near-total meltdown of Fukushima reactor 2 confirmed

Researchers say between 70 and 100 percent of fuel inside reactor 2 melted during 2011 disaster by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams At least 70 percent of nuclear fuel inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi…

Why we must end upward pre-distributions to the rich

You often hear inequality has widened because globalization and technological change have made most people less competitive, while making the best educated more competitive. From the blog of ROBERT B. REICH There’s some truth to this. The tasks most people used…

Ban ivory trade to save the elephants

Every year in Africa, over 30,000 elephants are killed, primarily to satisfy the demand for ivory in Asia. A new report by WWF-Hong Kong reveals seven fundamental weaknesses in the regulation of Hong Kong’s ivory market. These weaknesses enable illegal…

CND welcomes Corbyn’s unequivocal commitment to nuclear disarmament

CND welcomes Corbyn’s unequivocal commitment to nuclear disarmament CND has welcomed Jeremy Corbyn’s strong recommitment to nuclear disarmament, received with enormous applause, during his first leader’s speech to the Labour Party conference. The Labour leader also made clear that the…

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