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The Humanist Moment in America: Sheinbaum’s cool head, Petro’s warm heart

In a conversation between the President of Mexico and US President Donald Trump, they reached several agreements, among them, the imposition of tariffs is canceled, when it seemed that an economic and social “catastrophe” was approaching. “It is important to…

Peacewavefestival: A sea of lights for peace, tolerance and the protection of the environment

In these times of global challenges, it is more important than ever to unite and work for a better future. The initiative [“Wandern für den Frieden” e.V. “Walk for Peace”] ( is calling for a special event: A sea of…

Baguio Central University Supreme Student Council Recognized as a UNESCO Club

Took Part in the  International Youth Assembly  by Ivy Grace M. Bunnat What does it take to fulfill a university endeavor? For the Supreme Student Council (SSC) of Baguio Central University (BCU), it takes courage, time, group effort, initiative, careful…

Beyond the Absence of War: Rethinking Peace as a Way of Life.

The White-West notion of peace is largely associated with the absence of war. Even the origins of the peace symbol stem from the denuclearization movement. But what do we mean when we talk about peace? If someone were to ask…

One Second Closer to Doomsday

“Cada segundo cuenta (every second counts),” said Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Colombia, as the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved their symbolic “Doomsday Clock” one second closer to midnight on January 28th of this year. By Timmon Wallis for…

Canada’s Policy in the Ukraine: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

By Nigel Martin and Yakov M. Rabkin Once, at the Foreign Press Club in Tokyo, during a discussion on Canada’s foreign policy, a Montreal journalist began his talk with a succinct statement: “There are three countries that are important for…

WURI Foundation Hosts 2024 Meeting and Webinar: Inspiring Innovation for the 2025 Global Rankings

By Genevieve Balance Kupang The World University Network of Innovation for Presidents (WUNI-P), Leaders (WUNI-L), and Experts (WUNI-E) participated in an enlightening webinar organized by the World University Rankings for Innovation (WURI) on December 5, 2024. Before this webinar, the…

Rana Salmar: ‘The label of “terrorism” used to criminalise and delegitimise Palestinian self-determination’

Israel and Palestine: a conflict, a colonial occupation, a racist apartheid system, and an “incremental genocide” that has lasted some 80 years and has resumed more violently than before after October 7, 2023. What political solution today for Palestine? We…

“Borderland | The Line Within: Exposing the Human Cost of Immigration Enforcement and Inspiring Resistance”

As U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) accelerates its efforts to deport Latino immigrants, Pressenza, in collaboration with Tsuru for Solidarity, is sponsoring a screening of the documentary Borderland | The Line Within, hosted by Rosa Luxemburg in New York…

The Real Possibility of Peace on Earth in the 21st Century (Part 2): The Pill that the West Must Now Swallow

Introduction Massive global changes are taking place, now, as you read these words. These changes, which are not being properly reported on in the Western press, are going to have a major impact on most aspects of the lives of…

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