
Economic Violence

Puzzled by the Brexit debacle? Just follow the money

Finally it became clear. Thanks to an article by Simon Jenkins in The Guardian  we now know that “With a ‘free port’ deal negotiated behind closed doors, the financial sector will be fine. Meanwhile, others face ruin”. He explains : “An…

Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Furlough of Congressional Pay Next Shutdown

153 US House members and 50 US Senators are millionaires by Common Dreams staff US Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Saturday called for congressional salaries to be put on hold during the next government shutdown. The US government went into a partial…

Rights that protect against socioeconomic disadvantage are long overdue – the UK is already paying the price

Peter Roderick, Newcastle University and Allyson Pollock, Newcastle University, for The Conversation In 2018, two anniversaries and a crucial decision loom large in the UK. We saw in the 70th anniversary of the NHS in July, while December 10 marks…

UN criticises UK austerity induced poverty…so…mission accomplished?

“The UK government has inflicted “great misery” on its people with “punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous” austerity policies driven by a political desire to undertake social re-engineering rather than economic necessity, the United Nations poverty envoy has found. “Philip Alston,…

Three reasons some countries are far more unequal than others

Sandy Brian Hager, City, University of London for The Conversation Why do the richest 1% of Americans take 20% of national income, but the richest 1% of Danes only 6%? Why have affluent British people seen their share of national…

Kleptocracies love migrants

Contrary to their stated manifestos, the most neoliberal right wing governments take advantage of the massive migrations that their own policies on wars and promotion of poverty in developing countries produce. The concentration of wealth continues unabated increasing inequality and…

Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Those who take on the global industry that traps research behind paywalls are heroes, not thieves. Never underestimate the power of one determined person. What Carole Cadwalladr has done to Facebook and big data,…

Happy birthday missed opportunity. Welcome new window

“Capitalism’s near-death experience with the banking crisis was a golden opportunity for progressives. But they blew it.  “…preparations are well under way for protests to mark next month’s 10th anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers – the pivotal moment in the…

Sanders vs. Amazon Intensifies as Senator Stands With Struggling Workers Against World’s Richest Man

“No one working for a man who earns $260 million a day should be forced to sleep in their car. Yet that is what’s happening at Amazon.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams After Amazon issued a rare blog…

Conservatives? No – Brexit has shown us what they really are

By George Monbiot for The Guardian  They are no longer defending traditional values of national character and continuity, but rather catering to big business     It’s a remarkable thing to witness: senior Conservatives attacking big business. It is not just Boris…

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