
World Trade Organization

Battle for the Earth: The Fossil Giants, Free Trade and War – Part 5

Why is humanity so entangled with the fossil fuel industry and incapable of meaningful climate action? What are the structures that make Big Oil so invincible to systemic change towards a truly sustainable economy? How are conflicts and wars used…

Dimitris Papadimoulis: World’s Poorest Unvaccinated Can Pose Global Reinfection Threat

In the context of a series of interviews for Pressenza agency with MEPs from the European parties who vote in the European Parliament for the abolition of patents for vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and diagnostics related to the pandemic, we discuss with…

MSF supports India and South Africa ask to waive COVID-19 patent rights

In a landmark move, India and South Africa on 2 October asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) to allow all countries to choose to neither grant nor enforce patents and other intellectual property (IP) related to COVID-19 drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and other technologies for the duration of the…

“Don’t Hate the Media, Be the Media”: Reflections on 20 Years of Indymedia, a Radical Media Movement

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the historic protests in Seattle that shut down a meeting of the World Trade Organization, but it also marks the time when the first Independent Media Center came to life. Amid the clouds…

US Trade Hawks and the China Bogey

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram* New US President Donald Trump has long insisted that its major trading partners having been taking advantage of it. Changing these trade terms and conditions will thus be top priority for his administration, and central to…