
Women’s march to ban the bomb

Women’s March to Ban the Bomb in New York

“It started raining as soon as people gathered, poured during the Women’s March to Ban the Bomb and the program outside the UN, then stopped raining, but only after it was all over! A good turnout for a rainy day,…

We’re off! to ban nuclear weapons

As talks to ban nuclear weapons through a legally binding treaty restart at the UN in New York, Reaching Critical Will brings us their valuable analysis and insight. It’s game on for round two of the nuclear ban negotiations! Delegations…

17th June: Women’s march and rally to ban the bomb

Call to Action Women Ban the Bomb is a women-led initiative building on the momentum of movements at the forefront of the resistance, including the Women’s March on Washington. It will bring together people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages,…