
West Bank

Rana Salmar: ‘The label of “terrorism” used to criminalise and delegitimise Palestinian self-determination’

Israel and Palestine: a conflict, a colonial occupation, a racist apartheid system, and an “incremental genocide” that has lasted some 80 years and has resumed more violently than before after October 7, 2023. What political solution today for Palestine? We…

Israeli conscientious objector Netta Lannes Arbel: “I refuse to close my eyes. There’s another way”

Netta Lannes Arbel, 24 year-old from Emek Hefer, who refused to reenlist in the Israeli army in Ir HaBahadim Camp in southern Israel on December 29, was tried today for 8 days in military detention for his refusal. Lannes Arbel…

Harvest Season in the West Bank… but not for all

It’s finally harvest season here in Israel and Palestine. The olives are ripe for picking, and families prepare to visit their groves to collect their fruits to sell or press into oil, soap or other natural products that date back…

Members of Progressive International in emergency mission to Palestine

Today, an emergency international delegation arrived in Palestine to investigate Israel’s systematic violation of international law and the extensive pattern of forced disappearances, detainee torture, and political incarceration of Palestinian civilians, activists, and children as young as 12 years old.…

Gaza, Israel and the Space of Possibility

How To Begin? For over a week now I’ve been trying to figure out a way to compose this article in a form that doesn’t alienate those who are open to hearing new information about this topic. On the other…

The international criminal court opens the investigation into the “situation in Palestine”

On March 3, the prosecutor Fatou Bensouda formalized the opening of the investigation of the International Criminal Court on the “situation in Palestine”. The investigation will focus on crimes under international law committed since June 13 2014 in the occupied…

The Illegal Arms Trade and Israel

By Terry Crawford-Browne An Israeli documentary film called The Lab was made in 2013. It was shown in Pretoria and Cape Town, Europe, Australia and the US and won numerous awards, even including at the Tel Aviv International Documentary Film…

“Palestinian women need to be heard”

How does the corona crisis exacerbate the already difficult situation for Palestinians? To find out, PAX’s general director Anna Timmerman talked with Lucy Nusseibeh, the founder and chairperson of Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy (MEND), one of PAX’s partner organizations…

Al Jazeera Exposes Israel-Backed Attacks on US Activists

Al Jazeera’s undercover film The Lobby – USA, censored by Qatar, has finally been published by The Electronic Intifada. Editor Ali Abunimah discusses the documentary’s explosive revelations, exposing Israel-backed attacks on US activists. Watch the documentary here. The Real News…

Only Jews Can Tell The Truth About Israel

Paul Craig Roberts, November 13, 2018   Imagine what would happen to Chomsky if he were a white gentile Chomsky Warns of the Rise of ‘Judeo-Nazi Tendencies’ in Israel November 12, 2018 “Information Clearing House” –   Prominent Jewish intellectual Noam…

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