
universal and unconditional basic income

Madrid elections: the right wing wins in the best ‘Trumpist’ style

The most conservative right together with the extreme right -Partido Popular plus VOX- gets 78 deputies, compared to the 58 who have added between Mas Madrid, PSOE and Unidas Podemos. The most conservative right won in the best Trumpist and…

10D: The first of the human rights must be the right to subsistence, and is yet to be developed

On December 10, when the 72nd anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights is celebrated, the right to subsistence of each person remains to be truly developed because it is a Right. To do this, we propose the implementation of…

September 25: The collection of signatures for the European Citizens’ Initiative for an unconditional basic income begins.

This September 25, 2020, the collection of signatures begins to bring to fruition the European Citizen Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income. It involves the collection of 1 million signatures in at least 7 countries of the European Union and…