
regional integration

While some fight for regional integration, others bomb it

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in the Kingstown Declaration, outlined several measures to be taken to achieve greater regional integration and development, such as cooperation in the health sector or the need for more air links…

Footnotes from the Day of the Integration of Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean

It was a tearful experience to share with thousands of comrades the intense days of the Day of Peoples’ Integration in Foz do Iguaçu, a milestone that, from its conception, has had the objective and responsibility of transcending the transience…

Minister Maria Nela Prada: “We believe in integration with all our hearts.

On the first day of the Day of Integration of Latin American and Caribbean Peoples, we interviewed the Minister of the Presidency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Maria Nela Prada. In the context of the celebration of the Day…