

For a future free of alienating labor

Review of the book “Inventing the future. Postcapitalism and a World Without Work“, by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams I don’t remember where I got the recommendation, if it was from someone or I read it somewhere, but the truth…

Argentina’s brutal pendulum and the Milei monster

Some friends from different countries have asked me about this phenomenon that for many, from a distance, is incomprehensible: how is it possible that a majority voted for such a character, who claims to talk to his dead dog, who…

Chile: 50 years of neoliberalism (II)

From the political point of view, as early as August 1991, President Aylwin himself “notified” the country that “the transition has been made” and that “in Chile we live in democracy” (El Mercurio; 8-8-1991), given that by that date none…

Tossing Neoliberalism into the Dumpster

It’s official, according to a speech by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the United States is jumping off the neoliberal globalization bandwagon (a root cause of domestic extremism) and it couldn’t come soon enough as institutions of government are sucking…

Analysing individualism as a capricious way of life

“It is no coincidence, by no means, that virtual hyper-communication, the obsession with personal and individual success and the pursuit of pseudo-achievements reign in our times to the detriment of abysmally more important aspects of our lives…” By Opazo Today…

The Pink Tide Surges in Latin America

While the political balance between progressive and reactionary states south of the Rio Grande continues to tip to the left, even the corporate press pronounced Biden’s June Summit of the Americas meeting in Los Angeles a flop. Most recently, Colombia…

China’s Olympic Battle for Legitimacy: The Prehistory of the 2022 Beijing Games

Only through the lens of history can we understand why China fought so hard for a place in the Olympics on its own terms: to heal the scars of both exploitative Western colonialism and civil war. By Charles Xu Much…

The leadership of the new generation

New and old generations of the left have rallied around the presidential candidacy of Gabriel Boric. The young have opened the avenues and the old are following them. A new country is being heralded in which justice and equality should…

The World Centre for Humanist Studies is organising its 8th Symposium “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural exchanges from a world in crisis”.

Interview with Daniel León, member of the organising team of the 8th International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies. From the 16th to the 18th of April, under the slogan “A New Humanism for a new world. Plural…

Stiglitz says Covid-19 pandemic showed consequences of neoliberalism

Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prizewinner in Economics, lashed out at neoliberalism and assured that the Covid-19 pandemic is currently showing the consequences of 40 years of impositions by neaoliberalism. The prominent US economist gave a keynote lecture as part of the…

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