

Assam :  Where Indigenous People Confront Illegal Migrants

Even the middle-aged Assamese nationals remember that Assam agitation was initially propagated as ‘Bohiragata Kheda Andolan’ (literarily meaning agitation to deport outsiders) and later, redefined as an agitation against illegal migrants (from East Pakistan/ Bangladesh) by the intellectuals and media…

New attempt to evict Mapuche community

The Coronado Inalef community is resisting eviction from its ancestral lands in El Bolsón. The granddaughters and daughters of Sara Inalef, a 93-year-old Mapuche weaver and acknowledged master of the art of weaving, are resisting eviction from the territory in…

The semantic field of the “Indian”: from stigma to murder

Dehumanization, through the media, as state policy, for foreign (and local) extractive interests. When I told my friend Matías, a computer teacher and social communicator, he couldn’t believe it. His first response was to laugh. “You didn’t even know how…

The World Social Forum insists: Another world is possible

These are the worst of times, but they can become the best of times, said speaker Walden Bello, trying to inspire thousands of progressive activists gathered at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Kathmandu on Thursday, 15 February, with the…

Leonard Peltier in prison for 17,500 days and nights: some similarities, past and present

Leonard Peltier, a native american, member of the American Indian movement, accused in 1975 of having killed two FBI agents, was condemned to two life sentences without any proof. Since then, even the judges themselves have asked for him to…

Colombian Campaign Against Landmines provides training to indigenous community

The Colombian Campaign Against Mines (CCCM), carries out Humanitarian Demining through activities that lead to the elimination of threats by Explosive Artifacts (EA) in the municipalities of Mutatá, Dabeiba, Murindó and Turbo, located in the west of the country, in…

Conservatives win New Zealand legislative elections, Indigenous Voice rejected in the Australian referendum

In the New Zealand parliamentary elections, the National Party, led by Christopher Dixon, has won by a clear margin over the Labour Party of current Prime Minister Chris Hipkins. According to data from the New Zealand Electoral Commission, the conservative…

Mexican state ordered to immediately suspend the Maya Train

In its verdict, the International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature condemned the Mexican state to the definitive suspension of the Mayan Train with all its components, as well as the demilitarisation of indigenous territories, for the violations of the…

RBC official refuses to let Indigenous delegates, including Wet’suwet’en Hereditary leadership representatives into AGM in Saskatoon

Today at the annual general meeting (AGM) in Saskatoon RBC’s attempt to divide and threaten with arrest and physical violence the Indigenous delegation – who all have received necessary proxies – and shut out Wet’suwet’en Hereditary leadership is further confirmation…

COP15 communities and indigenous peoples must be at the center of discussions and negotiations and not “big money”

After a week of mostly glacial deliberations, are COP15 negotiators any closer to reaching agreement on a global plan to reverse biodiversity loss? According to World Wide Fund (WWW) officials, what happened in week one is not ambitious enough to…

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