

Cuba advocates global elimination of nuclear weapons

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Saturday emphasized the importance of eliminating nuclear weapons as part of global disarmament. On his Twitter account, the head of Cuban diplomacy recalled the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. ‘Nuclear…

Peace Deal in Colombia: A Pending Task

By Zenaida Espinosa and Jorge Escobar Banderas Almost four years have passed since the peace deal signed between the Colombian government and FARC former guerrillas. In the meantime many changes have been fostered, although there are still many debts unpaid,…

Gorbachev: Time to Revise the Entire Global Agenda

Q: How did you take the news of the pandemic? A: I think I took it the way most people did. Initially, there was hope that it could be controlled, localized. But things took a very different turn and the…

Call to the G20: invest in Healthcare instead of further Militarisation

IPB is calling for a dramatic reduction of military spending in favour of healthcare and meeting social needs The world’s oldest peace NGO, the Nobel Prize-winning IPB has called on G20 world leaders who are gathering via virtual means this…

Buddhist Leader Calls for Nuclear Weapons Free Security

By Ramesh Jaura An eminent Buddhist philosopher and nuclear disarmament advocate has tabled four critical initiatives to “contribute to the creation of a sustainable global society where all can live with dignity and a sense of security”. The initiatives cover…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence starts from Km. 0 of Madrid

On October 2, 2019, the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence has been launched at Km.0 of Madrid, which will cover the planet until March 8, 2020, when it will end in the same place. After Rafael de la…

Kazakhstan, the newest state party to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

On 29 August, the International Day against Nuclear Tests, Kazakhstan deposited its instrument of ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, becoming the 26th signatory state to do so. The Treaty will enter into force at the…

Russia, United States attempt to legitimize killer robots

Russia and the United States are continuing their losing fight against the inevitable treaty that’s coming for killer robots. Most states participating in the diplomatic talks on lethal autonomous weapons systems have expressed their strong desire to negotiate a new…

‘It Is Not a Forum for Coup-Mongering,…

… Venezuelan Official Says After US Walks Out of Arms Control Conference “We regret that the representative of the United States and its docile allies continue to bring to this forum matters that are outside the mandate.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer…

Daniela Padoan, candidate to the European Parliament: I rebel against the humiliation and violence suffered by every living being

Social and environmental justice, the fight against poverty, migration, eco-femminism, disarmament and climate emergency. We discuss these and other things with Daniela Padoan, writer, journalist and activist who is standing for the European parliament elections with ‘La Sinistra – GUE/NGL…

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