
Arab-Israeli conflict

Palestinians need a state, not a ‘business plan’

Jared Kushner believes the first stage to peace is investing capital in Gaza and the West Bank. But just how far can that investment go when Israel is determined to maintain full control of and exploit every aspect of the Palestinian economy? By Sam…

Israel elections: another Catastrophe for Palestinians – and for Israel

The international community must support the real efforts of genuine organisations working for peace and reconciliation as the only way to change the Israel/Palestine political landscape. Following the elections Netanyahu is now making his deals with other ultra-right and ultra-religious…

Oddest bedfellows Natanyaju and Hamas continue their Orwellian death dance.

Apparently they are the worst enemies. They speak of one another in the most horrid and dehumanising epithets. But as it often happens, which was so well described by George Orwell, the enemy without is used to keep control of…

British Jews are speaking out on Israel. Will the progressive community have our back?

We expected attacks on anti-occupation voices by Britain’s Jewish communal leaders. Now our progressive Jewish institutions are turning their backs on us when we need them most. By Emily Hilton In May of this year, a group of U.K.-based Jewish anti-occupation activists…

From Balfour to Netanyahu and Hamas: 100 years of mutual dehumanisation

In spite of the British Government’s plans for an enthusiastic celebration of the Balfour Declaration’s 100th anniversary due on the 2nd of November, the date also commemorates the beginning of what is known as the most intractable conflict in today’s…

Trump Puts Israel First With UNESCO Withdrawal

By Ali Abunimah Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy was on full display Thursday when the State Department announced that the United States is withdrawing from UNESCO over the United Nations cultural body’s supposed “anti-Israel bias.” Under President Barack Obama, the US…

Women in Israel: Ready for Peace

On May 22nd President Trump will be travelling to Israel in order to meet with prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Earlier this month he received President Mahmoud Abbas in the White House and declared that he wants to help achieving an…

Prayer of the Mothers: women sing for peace

“Prayer of the Mothers” is a song by singer and songwriter Yael Deckelbaum. It was created together with women of the movement “Women Wage Peace” which aims for a peaceful and nonviolent solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since its creation…

Palestine in the Media: A call for light and hope in the darkness

Pressenza was invited to participate in the Palestine International Forum for Media and Communication that took place on May 18-19, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. Our representative, Marianella Kloka, was given the opportunity to address with a short speech the audience,…

Henry Abramovitch – Interreligious Dialogue and Encounter

Henry Abramovitch – Interreligious Dialogue and Encounter by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. An interview with Dr. Henry Abramovitch, Israeli anthropologist and president of the Israel Institute for Jungian Psychology. We asked him questions about interfaith dialogue and about how to…

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