

5G, microwaves and their effects on living organisms

The matrix of life The Earth’s ecosphere or sphere of life is permeated by the Earth’s magnetic field and its occasional perturbations caused by interaction with the solar wind plasma. Local geomagnetic fields are also slightly modified by natural atmospheric…

Is There an Alternative to 5G?

We have recently met with great pleasure Gunter Pauli, economist, entrepreneur and successful author, former professor at the Polytechnic of Turin with the task of providing the cultural basis of the systemic design approach, known above all for being the…

To Huawei or not to Huawei. Is the wrong question

The almighty geopolitical and technological row going on about allowing or not the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei to set up the 5G infrastructure in Western countries, for fear of backdoor espionage by the Chinese government, has already cost his post…