
Silvia Nocera

Classe 1968. Scrittrice e traduttrice free lance. Da sempre impegnata nel superamento della sofferenza personale e sociale. Responsabile dello sviluppo italiano dell'associazione Centro delle Culture fino al 2007, dal 2009 Messaggera di Silo.

Why, my soul, this hope? Reflections in the moonlight

A few days back I met a friend I hadn’t seen for eight years. We spent a few hours together on the shores of Lake Constance, illuminated by electric lights and then by the rays of a bright moon. My…

Technological Volunteering?

In these times of emergency, volunteering has seen a peak of “infected” perhaps equal to that of the pandemic. Or perhaps the media have also dealt for a while with this phenomenon that has always existed and has always been…

Money is Only Pieces of Paper

Money is only pieces of paper. It tears like paper, burns like paper. You can’t eat it, you can’t wrap things in it, you can’t write on it. It’s less useful. Money is a convention. It’s an agreement that, until…

Security and Stability: a Paradigm to be Modified

Chocolate is an unstable compound: a slight increase in temperature is what it takes to alter its state, its composing substances do not combine perfectly. Perhaps this is also the reason why its making appears to be so fascinating. “Nothing…