
REHUNO - Red Humanista de Noticias en Salud

REHUNO is a group of volunteers from different countries, health professionals and/or users of health services, who want to give voice to a "humanizing view" of health systems from a broad and comprehensive perspective. REHUNO wants to put into words and images the positive news that needs to be highlighted and the negative news that needs to be denounced and happening on a daily basis.

Concern for children and medicalization of ADHD lead a group of volunteers to produce documentary in Spain

In 2016 a team of the Humanist Party in Madrid decided to transform their proposals into audiovisual productions. Then, together with a team of volunteers including a documentary director, a film student, a psychologist and some neighborhood supporters, they decided…

“Attention to the Present”. Positive advances in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (Stages3 and 4) through programmes of practicing attention

The development of “attention” (known in the West as mindfulness, full attention, attention to the present, full consciousness or other similar denominations) is based on an ancestral practice generally linked to the teachings of Eastern mystical schools (Buddhists, Taoists, Sufi…

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