
Redazione Italia

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Italy

Destroying Syria: a Joint Criminal Enterprise

The Syrian armed forces need to retake the eastern part of Aleppo occupied by rebels. The job of Avaaz is to get public opinion to oppose this military operation, by portraying it as nothing but a joint Russian-Syrian effort to murder…

Children’s literature: new book series on human rights

Educating children to respect the Other and understand human rights through targeted readings. This is the aim of the new book series, lisolachecé, that was announced a few days ago by Multimage – a humanist nonprofit publishing association based in…

Switzerland pushing back people to Italy

Switzerland is facing wide criticism for turning back thousands of people at the Swiss-Italian border. Between July and August, the Swiss authorities have pushed back 7,000 at the Como(Italy)-Chiasso(Switzerland) border. The Swiss Refugee Council (OSAR), the Italian Association of Juridical…

IMF Admits Neoliberalism a Failure

Instead of delivering growth, neoliberal policies of austerity and lowered regulation for capital movement have in fact increased inequality. This inequality might itself undercut growth… Policymakers should be more open to redistribution…   Last week a research wing of the…

The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World

No presidential candidate who does not call for the end of bipartisan militarist aggression can stem the domestic descent into social brutalization. If none calls this foreign policy debacle “imperialism,” elections will be a sleepwalker’s exercise. Nothing will change. Except,…

To Overthrow a Government With Beer: Trumpism in Latin America

by MARIA PAEZ VICTOR   Yet another multibillionaire wants to run a country: Lorenzo Mendoza. He is a member of one of the most rich and powerful families of Venezuela and is positioning himself to be president – not by…

The ugly truth behind the Greek bailout

Out of the 220 billion euros disbursed to Greece as loans from the bailout mechanism, some 95% has been directed toward saving the European banks. Christine Lagarde, the Queen of Troika and the Head Honcho of the IMF, on May…

Argentina: 100 murals for Milagro Sala’s freedom

The Argentinian neighbourhood association, Tupac Amaru, whose founder, Milagro Sala, is in jail on trumped-up political charges, launched a new non-violent campaign last weekend to protest against her unjust detention. The campaign uses a classical measure in Argentinian social life…

The Financial system is a larger threat than terrorism

by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS for Counterpunch In the 21st century Americans have been distracted by the hyper-expensive “war on terror.” Trillions of dollars have been added to the taxpayers’ burden and many billions of dollars in profits to the military/security…

New Generations in Orient and Occident: surveys and dialogues

We are now in a quite unique moment in history. All peoples on Earth live in a big common house. Nowadays you can no longer think that events that happen somewhere stay circumscribed for centuries. Everything and everybody is interrelated…

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