
Patrizia Cecconi

Patrizia Cecconi nasce a Roma dove consegue la laurea in Sociologia presso l’Università La Sapienza. Qui tiene per alcuni anni seminari sulla comunicazione. Successivamente vince la cattedra di Economia Aziendale, disciplina che insegnerà per circa venticinque anni. Interessata all’ambiente e alla natura, verso il 2000 rivolge la sua attenzione allo studio della botanica e della fitoterapia ponendo sempre al centro dei suoi lavori l’interazione culturale tra l’ambiente e gli umani che lo abitano. Ha curato e pubblicato articoli e libri su argomenti diversi. Il suo interesse particolare è rivolto alla Palestina. Dal 2009 fino al dicembre 2014 ha presieduto la onlus “Amici della Mezzaluna Rossa Palestinese” di cui ora è presidente onoraria. E' co-fondatrice della onlus Cultura è Libertà e dell’adv Oltre il Mare che attualmente presiede.

Thank You, Cecilia Sala

In the late 19th century, the German philosopher and sociologist W.M. Wundt introduced the concept of heterogenesis of ends, describing how human actions often lead to unintended outcomes, diverting from the original goals and creating new motivations along the way. While…

No Vaccine for An Israeli Plague

The violation of lives and human rights that has been going on for three-quarters of a century and does not find who wants to stop it is a real plague. There is a vaccine that nobody wants to use. Day…

Interview With Bassam Saleh, Palestinian Representative About the Threat of Annexation

In conjunction with the arrival of the sad recurrence of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe, which coincides with the Israeli celebrations for the birth of the State arisen in several hundred villages and .several thousands of them, the Israeli Jewish…

Blood and resistance in Palestine on the day of the Nakba

May 14, 2018 – Blood flowed in Palestine today. It was the seventieth anniversary of Ben Gurion‘s proclamation of the State of Israel, a state created out of Palestinian land by expelling thousands of Palestinian families from their homes. In…

Gaza: another slaughter as the UN once again looks the other way

At this very moment (2pm local time, April, 7), the funeral of the last victims of Israeli gunfire is taking place here in Gaza. Yesterday’s slaughter showed the world how Tel Aviv, confident of its impunity, intends to stop the…

The Greek Theatre in Syracuse examines history through art

This has been a unique year for one of the most ancient Italian cities; it is as well one of the Italian towns with the most fascinating past, both for the myths concerning its origins and for the rich history…