Through the international news agency for peace and nonviolence Pressenza, we have been covering for years:

  • the mass attacks, violence and blockade of the Gaza Strip, the settlements and violence in the West Bank – by the Israeli governments,
  • the political machinations by the US to keep people like Netanyahu in power who, among other things, have no problem collaborating with far-rightists and coddling their demands in every area,
  • the unstable support for the Palestinian Authority by its “allies” – depending on how politics suits them – allies this curse,
  • the inability of the Palestinian Authority to impose itself on Hamas with a plan to promote diplomacy and finally hold elections,
  • the inability of the UN to prove that it has a reason to exist,
  • the inability of the “believers” and those who incite them to coexist in Al Aqsa Mosque – and elsewhere.
  • the hide-and-seek of every recent Greek government and the EU in the face of continued violations of international conventions – when it comes to the state of Palestine.

But mostly what we cover at every opportunity in the international agency are the voices from both sides of the wall, calling for peace and coexistence. Palestinians crossing checkpoints to protest alongside those living in Israeli cities, accompanied by Israeli women and men, who have nothing to separate them from the “others”. We cover the voices of conscientious objectors and deniers of violence and conscription on both sides. The voices against patriarchy and for rights and freedom that protest on both sides.

The voices calling for peace are many but they too are trapped in the Middle East stalemate and are not promoted by the media that support this eternal crisis.

War is a horror. In this zone of our planet there are people who have never known peace and feel the nuclear threat constantly in their midst.

Only reflection and deepening of our thought and action is needed in the face of such a tragedy.