On the anniversary of the outbreak of war in Ukraine, we believe it is fitting to take a moment to remember all the victims of this umpteenth catastrophe. More, we believe it is important to take a moment and clarify internally whether one is for War and Violence or for Peace and Nonviolence. Because we cannot know how this situation may evolve and in what timeframe.

On this tragic anniversary and with the prospects of a potentially nuclear war that persists and will continue to persist, the proposal of Europe for Peace is to accompany the many demonstrations for Peace that will take place all over the world, by making a concrete gesture, each one of us:

To transform each one of us into builders of Peace in our daily lives.

Making a conscious choice to “be Peace and bring Peace”. Whether it is adhering to and contributing to a campaign or demonstration for Peace and Nonviolence; whether it is putting a Peace flag at the window; whether it is opposing or refusing a form of violence in our daily lives; whether it is dedicating time to those in need or any other gesture of solidarity; whether it is a profound reconciliation with someone who has hurt us or with ourselves, whether it is a simple heart-to-heart embrace or whether it is even just circulating this Request for Peace and Nonviolence.

It doesn’t matter whether the gesture is large or small, addressed to many, to one person, or to ourselves, it only matters that it be a gesture with an unmistakable flavour of Peace and Nonviolence

We believe that this is the real revolution we need today: to realise that change depends on the coherence of our daily actions and we can no longer delegate to a contradictory, violent system in free fall towards self-destruction.

The real revolution is to believe that each of us can and must become

Peace Builder(s) through Active Nonviolence

and we believe that this is absolutely

the best way to honour all victims of war.

Finally, do not imagine that you are alone or lonely in making this gesture. However much it will be your own free act, your own coherent and valid choice, you will feel resounding within you those who in the past, present and future have made Active Nonviolence their Peace, their Strength, their Cheerfulness.

To join and to share your experience, send a photo, a video, a short text to info@europeforpeace.eu All testimonies will be collected and published on Pressenza.com