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As a result of the war in Ukraine, we are apparently witnessing a new schism between East and West in the 21st century, with repercussions at the economic, geographical, political, cultural, sporting, scientific, communicational and ethical levels… Nothing has been left unscathed.

By Javier Belda

Unlike the famous schism of Photius, which separated the Orthodox and Roman churches on the Eurasian axis, the current separation goes far beyond the religious sphere and reaches the entire planet. It is worth noting that in 9th century Europe and Asia, religion was at the heart of governance, economics and politics, so that the repercussions of the ecclesiastical division in turn extended to other social fields.

From this reasoning, one could imagine that the two worlds were always in conflict, but cultural anthropology accounts for the intercommunication of cultures across the globe since the origins of civilisation. According to Mircea Eliade, the profound interrelation between the Asian and Western worlds is attested to by the crafts and trade along the Silk Roads and also by the Indo-European languages, giving as an example the Vedic texts and the Upanishads of India written in ancient pre-Vedic Sanskrit (a language related to Latin, Greek, Slavic and Germanic languages) (Eliade, 1976) (Eliade, 1976).

Nor were monotheistic religions always a source of clash. In the region of Al-Andalus, Christianity, Judaism and Islam coexisted in harmony between the 8th and 15th centuries. This was a period in which knowledge was the basis of understanding, an idea represented in Muhammad’s phrase “The ink of the wise is holier than the blood of the martyr” (The Koran, 610).

Therefore, because we know that cultures are capable of understanding and sharing, today we are perplexed witnesses to a tragedy. We are witnessing events that run counter to the growing evolution of our species. The question that arises from our hearts, also broken, is whether it is no longer possible to…

New Universalist Humanism has been working for many years to advocate encounter and reconciliation between cultures. This work starts from an idea: the observation of the humanist attitude as something that cultures have in common and which is an expression of social consciousness.

The humanist attitude is a historical form of social consciousness that develops in different cultures and is clearly manifested in a particular humanist moment. [1]

This attitude can be traced, for example, in the development of Historical Humanism.

One hundred years afterwards Petrarch (1304-1374), there was ten times more knowledge of the classics than during the entire previous period of a thousand years. Petrarch searched the ancient codices in an attempt to correct a distorted memory and thus initiated a trend of reconstruction of the past and a new point of view of the flow of history, which was at the time clogged by the immobility of the time. [2]

The yearbooks published by the World Centre for Humanist Studies [3] contain contributions on the search for a common link between cultures. Grigori Pomerants addresses the question of dialogue between cultural worlds.

Great world religions that transcended tribal frameworks led to the spiritual integration of huge regions. Each of them has created its own world: Christian world, Islamic world, and so on. But today they play a double role: they bring together more or less peoples of one region, of one traditional world, but in the global framework, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism become something like new tribes. The world has moved out of the frameworks of old regions. The world has become a single world. Meanwhile, religious cultures remain different and clash with each other in the same information space.

A thousand years ago, going from Europe to China was more difficult than going to the moon. But now we all live on Earth, and we celebrate two, even three New Years: we celebrate the usual Western New Year, we have the Orthodox New Year and the Eastern New Year. We have the Eastern calendar, and we all know that this is the year of the dog. We follow the recommendations of Western medicine, but at the same time we use the achievements of Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, every enlightened person has heard something about Hata yoga, etc.

In this world, world religions, world religions by name, by their task, are faced with the need for dialogue, with the search for common ground for dialogue, for rapprochement. This rapprochement does not exist so far and religious differences are often used as flags of war. In almost all contemporary bloody conflicts they are used as battle flags. How can we get out of this situation? [4]

Putting the Ukrainian crisis in the spotlight, the opposing poles are not precisely the Ukrainian people and the Russian people, since they are basically the same people.

[…] what is now Ukraine was never really outside “Russian” hegemony and culture since the 1000s, and was formally part of the Russian Empire since the 18th century.

This is not to say that Russia prima facie “has a right” to the territory in any legal or moral sense, my point here is simply that, in many ways, they are intimately connected and, until very recently, were part of the same political entity. [5]

From the dissolution of the USSR Ukraine became independent. For more than two decades Russia and Ukraine lived side by side without any problems, the two nations interacted independently of each other. They exchanged energy, materials and knowledge in mutual cooperation. It is clear then that the current dissent has been fabricated – from outside that culture.

A simple review of historical events at the dawn of the new century is enough to make this obvious.

On 8 December 1987, the historic agreement between Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan was signed, ushering in a new era of demilitarisation and the end of the Cold War between the US and the USSR.

The change in the Soviet Union was to be even more profound, accompanied by a genuine internal revolution. Gorbachev’s Perestroika sought to reorganise the socialist system in order to preserve it. Many idealists imagined a hopeful future that would leave behind the shadows of the past, but the joys were short-lived.

In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell and in 1991, 14 Soviet republics became independent [6]. Finally, in October 1993, Boris Yeltsin decreed the dissolution of the Congress of People’s Deputies of Russia and the Supreme Soviet of Russia, thus consummating an opportunistic coup d’état. For many years, the new Russia quietly and quietly pulled itself together, displaying diplomatic finesse in foreign policy.

But the other side, the United States, did not practise the same approach. In 1999 NATO bombs fell on Yugoslavia, giving rise to the term “balkanisation” to refer to the dismemberment of a country into warring communities or territories. The scapegoat to generate division and hatred between peoples was Milosevic, decades afterwards it became known that many deaths were false flag attacks [7]. The aim now was to fragment all the socialist countries. After Yugoslavia, the instigation continued (through the CIA and its offshoots) to produce so-called colour revolutions in the countries of Eastern Europe. All this, as the maps illustrate, resulted in the proliferation of NATO military bases, which today encircle Russia.

Ukraine underwent its belated “colour revolution” in 2014. The US had successfully brought about the total destabilisation of the Middle East and North Africa. The scapegoats were: Saddam Hussein, Ben Ali, Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad [8]. Not only did they succeed in stopping the growing Islamic banking that threatened the dollar standard, but they also managed to hoard the gold reserves of these countries and raw materials. [9]

The “empire of lies” (Putin, 2022) was running at full speed. They found that their hybrid warfare manual was working perfectly. Once peaceful cities were in the hands of fundamentalist factions, created, trained and financed to wage war and cause endless chaos.

(Our media – if they were – should review these facts, which Nazanin Armanian, among many others, have set out in detail in their publications [10]).

The powerful of the North Atlantic bloc brought their “revolution” to the Ukraine in a jubilant mood. The aim was to overthrow the elected president Viktor Yanukovych in order to replace him with a Russophobic one and thus provide a fertile ground for the further growth of NATO bases. On this occasion, neo-Nazis were created, trained and financed, which fulfilled a function identical to that of the jihadist factions in the Arab world. In the end the formula was the same: uneducated + closed future + greed = irrational violence.

After the coup d’état in Ukraine, there was an eight-year truce under the tenuous Minsk agreement that Russia, with the support of Germany, worked hard to achieve in order to pacify the region. At the time, a war in Europe was not at all appealing to Europeans. Nevertheless, the siege continued in the historical region of Dombas – Prorussia – with the neo-Nazis installed in the Kiev government carrying out some 14,000 murders in that period.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian people did not want to see, as is so often the case in history. If they turned their heads to the East, memories of past times of austerity and the cold of winter would appear, while turning their heads to the West would bring the reverie of prosperity and warm weather. The stars of the blue flag shone too brightly to want to see Ukraine’s internal decay. Europe has for long years represented a powerful and coveted dream of prosperity for many neighbours.

Ukraine – known in Russia as country 404 – fell into a profound crisis, thanks to its incompetent rulers. They ruined everything, despite having declined any responsibility for contributing to the economic debt of the former USSR of which it was a part. The only way out of the crisis was to beg, like a casino gambler who has already lost everything and only accumulates defaults. In these conditions, the US welcomed the puppet in power with open arms and actively participated in the corruption [11]. When the current president Zelensky proclaimed to the four winds his desire to install a NATO base and become a nuclear power in Russia, all the alarm bells went off… Kiev is only 378 km from Moscow.

Now the pro-European reverie is looking like a bitter nightmare for Russia, a reverie in which it has invested too much and must let go. It is painful, but what is certain is that Russia has the capacity and resources to reinvent itself.

The greatest of all losses is emotional. Without yet being able to mend our hearts, reason tells us that the break between East and West cannot be real, decreed in the space of a few weeks. We need an analysis that is not so subject to the immediate facts, outlining a historiological perspective.


  1. Silo. Collected Works vol.2. Dictionary of New Humanism, p. 358.
  2. Ibid., p. 476
  3. World Centre for Humanist Studies
  4. Humanism in different cultures. Yearbook 1994. | CMHE
  5. UKRAINE, IN THE HEART OF RUSSIA – Laughlyn (Johan Eddebo)
  6. Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Estonia.
  7. A common practice on the part of the USA, self-produced attacks that served as an excuse to drop the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, or to launch the New American Century in 2003, etc.
  8. From the Colour Revolutions to the Arab Spring – mpr21
  9. To ensure the control of oil wells and other resources, the private army Blackwater was installed in these areas, while civilian areas were left in the hands of fundamentalist mercenaries such as ISIS, in order to guarantee the ungovernability of the occupied territory.
  10. “I created jihadist terrorism and I don’t regret it!”
  11. Hunter Biden: What is the scandal of Joe Biden’s son in Ukraine?

Javier Belda – Humanist Institute of Systemic Forecasting – IHPS