The wise rogue got tired of fighting and left us early this morning. He left us, that is to say, because beyond those first feelings of loneliness and emptiness, what quickly flooded those of us who loved him was the certainty that we now had someone who, from the other side, was going to continue lending us a hand.

A tireless traveller for the transmission of Universalist Humanism founded by Silo, his journey led him to put his name to the book Self-Liberation, the cornerstone of the personal development work of humanism. This book has been translated into several languages, including English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Czech, German and Icelandic.

I had the opportunity to talk to him on countless occasions, to interview him and to present together Pressenza’s first book Perspectives from Humanism, to which we had both contributed articles. We could agree, or be at odds with each other, but we could always laugh together and find the common ground of our positions and analyses.

There are hundreds of thousands of us who owe something to this mischievous and wise man from Cordoba, always available, conciliatory and proud of the love he never lacked.

This humble remembrance is a thank you and a heartfelt embrace for his closest family, Nélida, Alberto and Clara. They are loved infinitely.