By Lu Sudré from Brazil de Fato.

“Lula is not a prisoner. Today Lula is a kidnapped person,” says jurist and former Justice Minister Eugênio Aragão about the failure to comply with the decision signed by federal jurist Rogério Favreto of the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region (TRF-4), which ordered the immediate release of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Sunday 8/7 morning.

After the questioning of Favreto’s jurisdiction by trial judge Sérgio Moro -who is on vacation in Portugal but was notified of the decision by the Federal Police- the release order was revoked by João Pedro Gebran Neto, rapporteur of Lava Jato before the court.

In response to the revocation of Gebran Neto, Favreto again dictated the release of Lula with a deadline of one hour, in an office published at 4:12 p.m..

Overlapping power

“Moro has no jurisdiction to meddle, much less to challenge the jurist of a court to which he is subordinate. He doesn’t have that power,” criticizes Aragão.

In the jurist’s assessment, no judge in recess or vacation, much less in the first instance, has the authority to order any measure other than preliminary. “What is happening is absurd,” says the former minister. “Only popular mobilisation is going to stop that kind of behaviour. We are all shocked,” he said.

Federal deputy Jandira Feghali (PCdoB of Rio de Janeiro) agrees with Aragão’s assertion that Lula is a hostage of Justice, since even with the decision that releases him, Lula did not leave his cell.

Legal anarchy

“There is a clear decision of freedom that is not fulfilled. It’s an illegal kidnapping. He is illegally imprisoned. In fact, kidnapping is a designation that applies specifically at this time,” Jandira told Radio Brasil de Fato in an interview.

The deadline for Favreto’s second decision to have Lula released was exhausted before six o’clock this Sunday afternoon and had not been met until the closing of this note.


Translated from Spanish by Pressenza London

The original article can be found here