This event detailed below from the pen of long time activist and friend of Silo is of particular relevance to Pressenza as an international press agency because this agency was founded by members of the Humanist Movement whose origins are stated in the writing here. The text by Ernesto de Casas (Tito) follows (Editors):

Next May 4, 2014 , we will celebrate again the Day of Testimony, the anniversary of  that famous date when Silo gave his speech ‘The Healing of Suffering”. In addition it will also serve as a prelude to the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the same talk in 2019.

Someone could ask “And what happened then?” Doing a bit of historical research, we must go back to the beginning of the 60s, when the young Mario Rodríguez Cobos began to give his point of view to those friends, neighbours, and colleagues, who would soon take up his proposal and would lead to the first groups of study on personal and social change. “That meant the decision to leave his many other activities, as is evident from what he went on to say: “…  I made a reordering of my inner truths and decided on this path.” Later, after numerous meetings, retreats, travels, studies and experiences, he decided to make a personal retreat in a remote spot in 1969. And so he reached this formidable place in Mendoza called Punta de Vacas, where he established himself alone, building a hermitage as a place of meditation. On occasions he crossed the Andes [1] to give talks and on other occasions received journalists, whilst still installed in the mountains with his reflections. It was at the end of the summer when he agreed to give a public address in that same place in response to the refusal of the authorities who denied him the possibility to speak in any urban centre. We helped in the preparations and on a sunny day in May the public who ventured into the inhospitable landscape, could go for the first time to listen to this man. His voice thundered with the phrase: “… If you have come to listen to a man … ,”[2] and he became Silo , detailing his thoughts on overcoming pain and suffering, the urgency of nonviolence, rejecting desire and of the need of attending to necessities, closing false doors,  continuing the flow of history, learning to love, to elevate the spirit, the body and much more. All this in a country with tremendous censorship and a world troubled in a thousand ways. Later, he presented his revelations in The Inner Look.

A movement and current of thought had started, which would become the Humanist Movement, as he said, “… If we had found a current that echoed our proposals, we world have joined it, as there was none, we formed our own.” He went on with his delivery by expressing: “… I speak of what makes the human being happy and free.” And why not, since it is the universal premise: “Humanise the Earth”. More friends began to participate, joined and spread the ideas, and Siloism is born.

Thirty years passed before he returned to speak again in 1999, starting with something very powerful, “… Here we are again!” Five years later in the annual celebration of Messengers, he spoke again with bluntness: “… We have failed, but we continue! (This within the world panorama of the rise of violence and conflict, which were predominant despite efforts to the contrary). Later, during the Days of Spiritual Inspiration, in May 2007 [3], he recommended Reconciliation as a profound spiritual experience considering that there can be no advance of liberation, personal or social, without a reconciliation of great internal intensity. All of which is included in the text ‘Silo to the Open Skies‘. [4]

This is a very brief review of what was begun in this place in the high peaks, and which with a development of activities that has spanned more than 4 decades Silo has covered every corner of the planet, with a variety of themes, in numerous meetings, interviews, lectures, rallies and events. Thus, he has left us his magnificent work in diverse texts as a prolific and inspiring author, both in the field of New Humanism, and with his contribution to the new spirituality with “Silo’s Message”.

He was above all an exceptional human being, with a paradigmatic personality, authentically wise, unquestionably a guide who moved and encouraged us and who did not cease for a single day of his life, to deepen and to express, unselfishly, his discoveries for the future good of all. For this: Thank you Silo.
An Invitation

Dear friends, on this very significant day for us, we would like to celebrate by making a heartfelt gathering in Punta de Vacas Park.

The Communities of Silo’s Message in Mendoza invite you to participate on May 4, 2014 in Punta de Vacas Park beginning at noon. Those who so wish may make a testimony in person or by sending a message to: testimonios.pdv @ which will be shared that day.

We will also carry out other activities such as guided tours, walks, ceremonies, listening to a recording of the original talk of 69 and sharing a common meal.

We shall be waiting for you
Communities of the Message of Mendoza

Peace, Force and Joy.

Ernesto de Casas

[1] This address was transcribed as Dialogues of Isla Negra (for that place in the Chilean coast) in the discontinued text of Silo and Liberation.

[2] The Healing of Suffering, Punta de Vacas, May 4th 1969

[3] Days of Spiritual Inspiration- Punta de Vacas Park, Argentina, 3, 4 and 5 May 2007

[4] And in the section Milestones of