

Net Neutrality: Wheelering and Dealing at the FCC

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan Michael Powell is the son of Gen. Colin Powell. The elder Powell knows a thing or two about war. He famously presented the case for invading Iraq to the United Nations, on Feb. 5,…

Inequality and Democracy

By Roberto Savio In this Column, ROBERTO SAVIO, founder and president emeritus of Inter Press Service (IPS), writes on persistent inequality and the failure of “trickle down” economy. ROME, May 15 2014 (IPS) – Not a day goes by without…

Hunger-Striking Al Jazeera Journalist Moved to Solitary Confinement

An Al Jazeera journalist on hunger strike against his imprisonment in Egypt has reportedly been moved to solitary confinement in a maximum security prison. Abdullah Elshamy has been held without charge for close to nine months and on hunger strike…

Burger Spring? Fast Food Workers Strike Worldwide

230 cities, 33 countries and 5 continents. Fast food workers are demanding higher salaries. “A few background facts from the Agenda Project Action Fund. (Alter Net) Fast food CEO’s make 1,200 times more than their employees The current federal minimum…

Protecting water and land from grabbers. For a new water ethic

We gladly publish the speech of Maude Barlow, president of the Council of Canadians and Food & Water Watch in the session “Discovering resources. The effects of grabbing and Europe’s role” in the International Conference” A fair future or just…

Europe’s minorities troubled by Crimean crisis

A congress being held along the German-Danish border is focusing on how Europe’s many smaller ethnic groups can preserve their rights. The current fate of Crimea’s Tatars in the Ukraine crisis is a key subject. Europe is home to widely…

Call for Ukraine Emergency Anti-war Actions May 9 – 26

The International Action Center, along with many antiwar, social justice and solidarity organizations is calling for emergency actions to oppose the dangerous US war mobilization in Ukraine. The Call, initiated by United National Antiwar Coalition, has broad support. The IAC…

Credit where it’s due!

These Indian Labourers In Dubai Missed Their Families. What Coca Cola Did For Them Is [also] Super Sweet “Every day thousands of Indians and other South Asian labourers arrive in Dubai in the hope of finding work to provide a…

Eyewitness to Nuke Explosion Challenges World Powers

UNITED NATIONS, May 12 2014 (IPS) – When the Foreign Minister of Marshall Islands Tony de Brum addressed a nuclear review Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) meeting at the United Nations last month, he asked whether anyone in the room had witnessed…

“The Stuff I Saw Really Began to Disturb Me”: How the U.S. Drone War Pushed Snowden to Leak NSA Docs

In his new book, “No Place to Hide,” journalist Glenn Greenwald provides new details on Edward Snowden’s personal story and his motivation to expose the U.S. surveillance state. “The stuff I saw really began to disturb me. I could watch…

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