

NHS staff shortage “shock”…

By JOHN LISTER 3 March 2016 for Open Democrqcy, Our NHS The Beeb [BBC] claimed a scoop in investigative journalism this week – but its findings were no shock to most people. This week the BBC led on its ‘scoop’…

Clinical Trials in Africa Reduce by 30% the Risk of HIV Infection in Women

Human Wrongs Watch The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) on 23 February 2016 welcomed the “encouraging” results of two studies from Africa in which women modestly reduced their risk of infection by inserting a vaginal ring coated with…

‘Bees Can Help Boost Food Security of Two Billion Small Farmers at No Cost’

Human Wrongs Watch The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 19 February 2016 highlighted the publication of a new study that quantifies, for the first time, how much crop yields depend on the work of bees that unknowingly…

Jeremy Hunt goes nuclear – the 12 things you need to know

DOMINIC PIMENTA 12 February 2016 for OpenDemocracy, Our NHS Jeremy Hunt’s decision to impose a contract makes as little sense as the rest of his narrative about the junior doctors and a ‘7 day NHS’ – unless you unpick the…

‘Overuse of Antibiotics and Other Antimicrobials Threats Rural Livelihoods, Food Security’

 Human Wrongs Watch The overuse of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents is impacting rural livelihoods and food security, and requires globally coordinated efforts, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 10 February 2016 said. Speaking to European ministers…

Seven things the private healthcare insurance adverts won’t tell you

The NHS [UK National Health Service] financial crisis is being used by healthcare insurers to try and sell their products – but what are the risks? By PAUL HOBDAY 22 January 2016 for OpenDemocracy, Our NHS Like any big business the…

Ultra-rich ‘Philanthrocapitalist’ class undermining global Democracy: report

As foundations and wealthy individuals funnel money into global development, what “solutions” are they pursuing? by Sarah Lazare, staff writer for Common Dreams From Warren Buffett to Bill Gates, it is no secret that the ultra-rich philanthropist class has an…

Air pollution killing millions, threatening global health systems

“We are storing up problems. These are chronic diseases that require hospital beds. The cost will be enormous.” by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams The World Health Organization (WHO) over the weekend warned that skyrocketing air pollution levels…

‘Invisibility cloak’ for chemo: Lung cancer treated with one-fiftieth of usual dose

Researchers have found a way to treat drug-resistant lung cancer by packaging a chemotherapy drug in containers made from a patient’s own immune system and delivering it directly to tumors. The technique results in 50 times less chemo for patients.…

Hillary, Hypocrisy, and Healthcare

Hillary, Hypocrisy, and Healthcare By David Swanson In a video from February 2008, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton passionately denounces candidate Barack Obama for criticizing her healthcare plan and daring to “discredit universal healthcare.” “Since when do Democrats attack each…

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