
Gender and Feminisms

Activist on trial for defending abortion rights in Andorra acquitted after four years of trial

Vanessa Mendoza Cortés had been accused of defaming the authorities after presenting a report on women’s rights in her country at the UN. Abortion in Andorra is prohibited in all cases, an exceptional situation in the European Union. Stop Violenciès…

Latin American feminisms and transfeminisms: “We are here”.

Latin American feminisms and transfeminisms are characterised by their heterogeneity, as they have been shaped by each country’s different political, economic, social, and cultural realities. Although there are certain common elements in most of our countries, such as the fight…

Context Matters: Gender and Resources in the Dominican Republic and Mongolia with Elena Gordillo Fuertes

Interview with Elena Gordillo Fuertes about the intersection between Resource Governance and Human Rights. Elena Gordillo Fuertes is a UNICEF Junior Consultant and a master’s student at the University of British Columbia in Canada in Public Policy and Global Affairs,…

Intersex Persons’ Human Rights: ILGA World Issues Global Research into Legal Protections for People Born with Variations in Sex Characteristics

 Geneva, 12 December 2023 – A large majority of UN member States have yet to make any sufficient legal attempt to protect intersex people’s right to bodily integrity and autonomy. Still, a trend of positive developments is emerging, ILGA World said today.…

Russia: Supreme Court Bans “LGBT Movement” as “Extremist”

Russian LGBT Community in Dire Need of International Support Russia’s Supreme Court ruled today that the “international LGBT movement” is an “extremist organization,” jeopardizing all forms of LGBT rights activism in the country, Human Rights Watch said today. In a…

Think #MeToo didn’t make a real difference? Think again

It takes effort to track the impacts of mass mobilizations like #MeToo, Occupy or Black Lives Matter, but understanding social change is impossible without such work. By Mark Engler and Paul Engler What difference did #MeToo actually make? In 2017 and 2018,…

New Report Highlights Severe Spikes in Arrests and Prosecutions of LGBT and Gender-diverse People in 2023

Geneva, 30 November 2023 – Arrests and prosecutions for consensual same-sex sexual acts, and on the grounds of diverse gender expressions, continued to take place across the world in 2023 and in previous years, a report by ILGA World revealed today. Despite…

25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

This November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, hundreds of women marched in Quito denouncing violence against women throughout the country, while demanding the implementation of consistent policies.          

Ecuador: Nonviolent October 2023 comes to an end.

I want to live without fear, that’s why I build Nonviolence! This was the message that resounded for a month in multiple activities of the Nonviolent October, promoted in its twelfth year by the humanist collective “Espacio No Violento” and…

Argentine women take another step forward with law against obstetric violence

In 2014, Johanna Piferrer was 33 weeks pregnant when she suffered the sudden death of her unborn child, revealed by an emergency ultrasound scan. Devastated, she had to wait nine hours in the maternity ward of a hospital in the…

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