

Why you’ve never heard of a Charter that’s as important as the Magna Carta

By GUY STANDING 6 November 2017 for openDemocracy The Charter of the Forest was sealed 800 years ago today. Its defence of the property-less and of ‘the commons’, means the Right would prefer to ignore it – and progressives need to…

Tax Justice UK calls for the Prime Minister to clamp down on tax avoidance in the wake of new leaks

PRESS RELEASE | 5 NOVEMBER 2017 Tax Justice UK, the country’s leading campaigning organisation dedicated to fighting for a fairer tax system, has called on the Prime Minister to take the action needed to tackle tax avoidance in the wake…

Yanis Varoufakis on Global Capitalism & how Trump’s tax plan is Class War against the poor

President Trump and House Republicans have unveiled their long-promised proposal to reform America’s tax code, with Trump calling it a “big, beautiful Christmas present” for the American people. Critics say the gift is a tax cut for the richest Americans.…

The Gift of Death

By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 11th December 2012 Pathological consumption has become so normalised that we scarcely notice it. There’s nothing they need, nothing they don’t own already, nothing they even want. So you buy them a solar-powered…

Fighting poverty should not derail environmental goals

By Aris Telonis for DiEM25. Two vital pillars of the DiEM25 European New Deal are poverty alleviation and heavy investment in green technologies. Though these two fields may seem unconnected, new scientific studies suggest there are solid links between them.…

Look to Sheffield: this is how state and corporate power subverts democracy

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The city’s trees and residents are the victims of a Kafkaesque PFI deal between council and contractor One of neoliberalism’s promises was that it would free us from bureaucracy. By rolling back the state,…

Jeremy Corbyn: “Yes, Labour is threatening to destroy the current economic model”

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, speaking at the Cooperative Party Conference last Saturday has touched many important topics about national and international politics. The complete text can be read here. Here are some of the most significant passages of…

China’s Myanmar bonanza without responsibility

As the world’s media continues focusing on the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, its giant neighbour China maintains its aloofness while still fully using the fuel pipelines passing through the trouble-torn Arakan (also known as Rakhine) province of western Burma (former…

European Central Bank made almost €8bn from Greece’s financial crisis

The European Central Bank (ECB) has profited handsomely from its holdings of Greek government debt, according to a document seen by the Financial Times. A written response to a request from a Greek MEP showed the bank collected €7.8 billion…

How Labour could lead the global economy out of the 20th century

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The rupture of 2008 presents a chance to throw out our iniquitous system that busts the planet – here are some ideas We are still living in the long 20th century. We are stuck with…

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