

Europe bidding adieu to justice and solidarity

By Roberto Savio* | IDN-InDepth NewsViewpoint ROME (IDN | Other News) – For a long time it was a given that while Europe was based on defending a more just society, with social values and solidarity, the United States was based…

Corruption in the so-called developed world. A few UK examples

Corruption is a problem in developing countries because poverty creates unbearable living conditions and early death. Money, for many, is survival and the moral problem of stealing (corruption being one form) may fade into the background. Corruption in the developed…

Latin America to tackle exploitation by multinational companies

Ministers from several Latin American nations have met in Ecuador to discuss ways to deal with the exploitative practices of some multinational companies operating in the region. The First Ministerial Meeting of Latin American Countries Affected by Multinational Interests has…

Globalisation makes poor more vulnerable

Does globalisation promote development? If you scratch beneath the surface, the answer of OECD researchers to this crucial question in times of financial collapse and its atrocious consequences for the vulnerable sections of people around the world is: globalisation helps…

Humanism in the Private Sector

Interview with Roberto Blueh and Juan Aviñó We had a chance to talk with the managers of a private company trying to implement a new model in the relations between capital and labour, as well as in the way their…

Petition for UK Work and Pensions Secretary to live on £53 per week reaches 300,000

On Monday’s Today Programme (Radio 4) David Bennett, a market trader, said that after his housing benefit had been cut, he lives on £53 per week. The next interviewee was Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, who was defending…

April Fools in the UK, cuts, freezing cold, benefits freeze and no Spring in sight

Metaphors don’t come more satirical than this. The weather refuses to let Spring arrive, with the coldest Easter in living memory. The Chancellor chose April 1st, aka April’s Fool day, to effect the most draconian cuts to benefits and services…

Statement by BRICS Leaders on the establishment of the BRICS-Led Development Bank

We, the Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met on the occasion of the Fifth BRICS Summit on 27 March 2013 in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal. We considered that developing countries face challenges of infrastructure development due to insufficient…

New BRICS bank to rival World Bank, IMF

The BRICS group of emerging economies has unveiled a new development bank, which is aimed at breaking the monopoly held by Western-backed institutions. “It’s done,” said Pravin Gordhan, South African Finance Minister, on Tuesday, adding that “we made very good…

Politicians and oligarchs empty their Cyprus accounts before the introduction of banking restrictions

The Cypriot opposition is demanding to have the identity of depositors who emptied their accounts before the bank restrictions revealed. The controversy is served.  In the early hours, a week last Saturday, when the Cyprus Government agreed the controversial tax…

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