
Peace and Disarmament

In South Sudan, a Single Mother’s Fight For Survival

  Human Wrongs Watch ‘Forced to flee violence and struggling to feed her three children, a woman in South Sudan is one of thousands to get help from a UNICEF/WFP Rapid Response Mission – and one of millions still trying…

Lack of Funds in What Could Be “Afghanistan’s Bloodiest Year”

Human Wrongs Watch Dubai, 10 October 2014 (IRIN)* –The World Food Programme (WFP) is facing a US$40 million deficit for its Afghanistan programmes, as aid agencies fear that foreign troop withdrawal will lead to decreasing budgets for humanitarian action.  **Photo: Mohammad…

Iraq Veterans Against the War: Decade-Old Group Grapples with New War, PTSD Epidemic, VA Failures

Ten years ago, six members of the U.S. military came together to break their silence over what they had witnessed during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. They banded together and formed the organization Iraq Veterans Against the War, or IVAW.…

2014 Nobel Peace Prize Announcement Live Public Viewing

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution renounces war and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes. Further, it prohibits the maintenance of armed forces and other war potential. Article 9 is an international oath…

Instead of bombing IS (Part A & B)

This two-part article offers a pro-peace perspective on the present war on ISIS in Iraq and Syria.   First some principles to stimulate another discourse, another way of thinking that is not militarist – and then some concrete proposals –…

Instead of bombing ISIS

  This two-part article offers a pro-peace perspective on the present war on ISIS in Iraq and Syria. First some principles to stimulate another discourse, another way of thinking that is not militarist – and then some concrete proposals –…

‘US wars in Mideast – only excuse for $ trillion military budget’

  Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today* (RT) – The purpose of the US campaign against the Islamic State is to provide grounds for the trillion dollar annual military budget Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan…

Two Speeches

  Human Wrongs Watch By Uri Avnery*, 03/10/14 — IF I could choose between the two rhetorical gladiators, I would rather have Mahmoud Abbas representing Israel and Netanyahu representing the other side.   Netanyahu used all the tricks taught in a…

Nobel Laureates cancel summit as South Africa refuses visa for Dalai Lama

Nobel Laureates have been meeting annually since 1997, gathering those who have been awarded the Nobel Foundation’s most prestigious award to discuss current issues of social conflict and the way to advance in global peace.  As an initiative of the…

‘Returning to a Basic Level of Trust in Relations between Russia and the West’

  Human Wrongs Watch By Lars-Erik Lundin*, 30 September 2014 (SIPRI) At the height of the cold war, during summits between the Soviet Union and the United States, US President Ronald Reagan frequently made reference to the Russian proverb ‘Доверяй, но…

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