
Culture and Media

The Stages of Death for the White-West

Everyone is trying to make sense of this current moment of almost total chaos. Some some call it anarchy, but that is not correct as we still have governance at many levels. This state of chaos can be seen in…

Julian Assange, and Press Freedom, on Trial in London

The role of the free press is to hold power accountable, especially those who would wage war. Press freedom itself is currently on trial in London, as Julian Assange, founder and editor-in-chief of the whistleblower website Wikileaks, fights extradition to…

Iran’s #MeToo Movement Challenges Patriarchy and Western Stereotypes

Viewpoint by Sara Tafakori* t has been called an Iranian #MeToo movement, and it is. Thousands of women in Iran – and some men – are going online to speak about the sexual assault and harassment they experienced. What is…

Brazil: Pressenza in the municipal elections

On November 15, Brazil will have the first real opportunity to initiate a political change, capable of resuming the democratic process interrupted by the advent of Bolsonaro as President of the Republic. November 15 is the day of the municipal…

Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg testifies in Assange’s defense, says WikiLeaks exposed ‘war crimes’ in ‘public interest’

Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg – whose ‘Pentagon Papers’ leak exposed illegal US bombing during the Vietnam War – said Julian Assange would not see a fair trial if extradited to the US, comparing the publisher’s case to his own. Testifying at…


LIVE PANEL DISCUSSION: Thursday, October 22nd, 2020 @ 2 PM Live on Facebook;  on Youtube;  and on Twitter Kabylie is an ethnolinguistic region located in the north of Algeria, between sea and mountains, known for its oaks, cedars and olive…

Unvanquishable Number

By David Swanson On September 21, the International Day of Peace, you will be able to watch online the new film “We Are Many,” and you darn well should. The topic is the single biggest day of activism on earth: February…

Are Romance languages becoming more gender neutral?

Languages reflect a divided society In the coming months, Global Voices will explore non-binary language initiatives, initially known as “inclusive language”. This first collective story begins with an exploration of gender in Romance languages. Language can be seen as a form…

Social Media Platforms Remove War Crimes Evidence

Archive Needed to Preserve Content Deemed Dangerous Social media platforms are taking down online content they consider terrorist, violently extremist, or hateful in a way that prevents its potential use to investigate serious crimes, including war crimes, Human Rights Watch…

How indigenous women in Canada heal through art

Indigenous women in Canada suffer high rates of violence In the Canadian winter of 2002, passers-by walking through Vancouver’s Downtown East Side could see Rebecca Belmore, from the Indigenous Anishinaabe Nation, nailing her long red dress to a telephone pole. She struggled to free…

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