

Photos from Athens: Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Organizations and collectives gathered and marched this afternoon in the center of Athens on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, that is commemorated annually on 25th of November. So far this year, 13…

Spain’s right wing goes to mass in memory of Franco – coincidentally?

The media and networks in Spain are hyperventilating because Pablo Casado, president of the Spanish Popular Party, has attended a mass with his family in Granada, held in memory of Francisco Franco, the dictator. To objectify it visually, which helps…

Why US Pressure on Ukraine and Taiwan Is Driving China and Russia Closer Together

The “feel-good” from Tuesday’s  virtual meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping leaps out of the US-Russian summit in Geneva in June. Biden’s talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently sought to create a “stable and predictable” relationship…

Climate Colonialism: Why Was Occupied Western Sahara Excluded from COP26 U.N. Summit in Scotland?

Activists are criticizing the British government for excluding Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco since 1975, from the U.N. climate summit in Scotland. Meanwhile, Morocco is counting renewable energy developments in Western Sahara toward its own climate pledges. Sahrawi activists and…

COP26: Climate Pledges Don’t Match Up With Policies—or Consumer Behavior

The Glasgow Climate Pact kicks the climate can down the road By Reynard Loki After more than two weeks of negotiations during the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, diplomats from almost 200 nations finally agreed on two…

Can tech truly work for democracy and human rights?

The accelerating global process of digitalisation is rapidly transforming the ‘operating space’ of citizens everywhere. While digital technologies provide people with new ways to exercise freedoms of association, assembly, and expression, they are simultaneously creating opportunities to restrict those rights,…

Greece: Minister of Immigration threatens criminal investigations of lawyer who denounces pushbacks

Following direct testimony by Cornelia Ernst, Member of the European Parliament, about a pushback underway in Samos, Notis Mitarachi makes a denial and announces investigations by the authorities of Dimitris Choulis, a human rights lawyer and a consultant for Still…

Call on Spain, as a responsible power, to proceed with the decolonisation of Western Sahara

La Realidad Saharaui Newspaper/DLRS/ صحيفة الواقع الصحراوي Today in Madrid the Saharawis gathered in Puerta del Sol together with the solidarity movement with the Saharawi cause to condemn the sadly tripartite agreements of Madrid, by which Spain did not decolonise…

Step up! A call for more civil courage and social responsibility

It was a cold Saturday evening in November when I was walking through my favorite food market. It seemed to be my lucky day today! When I approached the stall of my friend Antonio (name changed) where I usually get…

Hassana Aalia, the long struggle of the Saharawi people

On 8 November eleven years ago, the experience of 28 days of peaceful encampment in Gdeim Izik ended with the violence of the Moroccan army. We interviewed one of the young protagonists of that experience. I met Hassana Aalia a…

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