

Brazilian Indigenous Leader Davi Kopenawa: Bolsonaro is Killing My People & Destroying the Amazon

Democracy Now! sat down with Indigenous leader Davi Kopenawa, one of this year’s Right Livelihood Award honorees, along with the organization he co-founded, Hutukara Yanomami Association. Kopenawa is a shaman of the Yanomami people, one of the largest Indigenous tribes…

My Generation Needs to Say “Enough”: A Swedish Climate Striker Speaks Out About Fridays For Future

From Stockholm, Sweden, we’re covering the 40th Anniversary of the Right Livelihood Awards, widely known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” This year’s recipients include 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, whose school strike for climate started in Stockholm when she…

“Don’t Hate the Media, Be the Media”: Reflections on 20 Years of Indymedia, a Radical Media Movement

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the historic protests in Seattle that shut down a meeting of the World Trade Organization, but it also marks the time when the first Independent Media Center came to life. Amid the clouds…

Trenton Makes: Interview with the Author Tadzio Koelb

By Jhon Sánchez I had read Trenton Makes more than once. The first time was for John Reed’s workshop at the New School. Tadzio had just graduated from his Masters in the prestigious University of East Anglia in Britain, and…

U.N. Rapporteur: Julian Assange Has Faced Psychological Torture; He Should Not Be Extradited to U.S.

This week Swedish prosecutors dropped an investigation into sexual assault allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, stemming from 2010. Assange, who has always denied the allegations, took refuge inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London for over seven years to avoid…

Hundreds of Thousands Join National Strike in Colombia in Rebuke to Right-Wing President Iván Duque

In Colombia, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets Thursday in the largest national strike the country has seen in years. Labor unions, students, teachers, Indigenous and Afro-Colombian activists joined in peaceful marches across urban and rural Colombia…

Transgender Day of Remembrance: “Celebrate the Living” While Honoring Loved Ones Lost to Hate

November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day that honors the thousands of transgender and gender nonconforming people who have been killed around the world. The Day of Remembrance is also a celebration of the community’s resistance and a…

Face 2 Face with Christopher Salata

On this show we speak with Christopher Salata, Co-founder and Director of Peace Accelerators. He describes his organization’s long-term initiatives, including Farms Not Arms, which focuses on building regenerative community farms involving refugees and making a model for green production.…

Massacre in Cochabamba: Anti-Indigenous Violence Escalates as Mass Protests Denounce Coup in Bolivia

In Bolivia, at least 23 people have died amid escalating violence since President Evo Morales, the country’s first indigenous president, resigned at the demand of the military last week. Growing unrest quickly turned to violent chaos on Friday outside Cochabamba…

The unimaginable paths

By Víctor Manuel Sánchez Interview with Luis Milani about the current reality in Latin America*. VMS: Do social phenomena such as those that occurred recently in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, a little further away like what happened in Venezuela a few…

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