
Press Releases

Smear campaign against Pinar Selek thwarted: Turkish court postpones decision

Once again our mobilization has paid off: the solidarity committees and a large delegation in Istanbul have foiled the Turkish Ministry of the Interior’s attempt to designate an academic conference organized in France under the auspices of the Université Côte…

BAN Toxics Lauds FDA and QCHD for Swift Action Against Shops Selling Mercury-Added Skin Lightening Products

Toxic watchdog BAN Toxics today commended the Quezon City Health Department (QCHD) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its recent operation against the sale of mercury-added skin whitening creams in one of the city’s established malls. On June 14,…

Envi Group Urges PH Government to Prioritize Children’s Health and Safety Laws

As the country commemorates National Poison Prevention Week, environmental NGO BAN Toxics highlights the need to intensify efforts to protect children from exposure to highly hazardous chemicals found in everyday items designed for them, such as toys, school supplies, childcare…

Stop Red-Tagging and Criminalization of Social Development Workers

Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. (PMPI) expresses deep concern over the series of actions by state agents using the Anti-Terrorism Act and the Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act against human rights defenders, political activists, and most recently, social development practitioners who…

Urgent plea: let’s thwart FBI director Mr. Wray’s attempt to have an innocent man die in prison

The “United States Parole Commission” by July 1, 2024 will decide whether to grant Leonard Peltier “parole.” Leonard Peltier, who is seriously ill, will be 80 years old in a few months, 48 of which he spent in prison as…

Humanist Party: ‘For an open, united and nonviolent Europe

The Humanist Party takes a stand against war and its dreadful business The Humanist Party will hold its central campaign event for the European elections on Friday 7th June at 8 pm in the Vaguada Park in Madrid. Humanism will…

We stand with Pınar Selek until her final acquittal

On 28 June 2024, Pınar Selek will be tried for the fifth time by the Turkish state. 26 years ago, in Turkey, Pınar Selek was arrested for her academic work on Kurdish resistance. In line with sociological professional ethics, she…

June 15 webinar: Gaza and Ukraine to WWIII: The NATO Problem

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET This is free and open to the public. Participants all need to register on this page. What does NATO have to do with current and looming wars? How does NATO work and…

June 15-16 Conference: The World on the Brink: For a New Peace of Westphalia!

The signs point to a storm! The collective West’s attempt to assert the global dominance of the neoliberal system after the end of the Cold War has been a resounding failure. The majority of nations were by no means prepared…

Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped

Wednesday, June 12, 2024; 1:00—3:00 p.m. ET National Press Club, Washington, D.C.; and on-line via Zoom Speakers: Scott Ritter: former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black: former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal…

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