

Who Wants to Kill and Die for the American Empire?

The Associated Press reports that many of the recruits drafted under Ukraine’s new conscription law lack the motivation and military indoctrination required to actually aim their weapons and fire at Russian soldiers. By Nicolas J. S Davies “Some people don’t want to…

Holding the Press and White House Accountable: Solomon’s Afterword on the Gaza War

In Norman Solomon’s new Afterword in the paperback edition of his book War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine, the author excoriates the White House for arming a genocide with assistance from a negligent…

Bangladesh’s Economic Resurgence: Attracting Foreign Investment Amid Political Transition

Bangladesh has always been open to foreign investment, and the interim government of Bangladesh under Dr Yunus is working to draw in capital for areas that will see economic growth, even though the recent political transition in Bangladesh slowed down…

India-Bangladesh Water Dispute: Why a New Approach is Necessary

Bangladesh, a country that struggles with nature’s forces frequently, recently dealt with one of the worst flood catastrophes in decades. Notably, there is growing evidence that the neighbouring country of India’s actions are to blame for this catastrophe, as well…

Open letter to Italian Professor Mauro Carlo Zanella, regarding his recent trip to Ukraine.

Dear Mauro, thank you for your interest in my country, like you I am a teacher (at least according to my title), a non-professional journalist and an aspiring humanist. Also thank you for remembering Vittorio Arrigoni, whom I also admire.…

Neuland Rebellen interview with Oskar Lafontaine, former German finance minister and chairman of the SPD party.

German tanks firing on Russians at Kursk lose again while Ukraine puts its integrity in increasing danger War means workers killing workers and German manufacturing is paying for acts of terrorism against the German people because of Germany’s weak government…

Debunking Myths: The Real Iran Beyond U.S. and Israeli Narratives

Please tell Americans, that Iranians are kind and hospitable. Come and visit us.  You are most welcome here.”  This was a common refrain encountered in a recent trip to Iran. At present the US military has mobilized a strike group…

War on Gaza Crystalizes Israel’s Image

Modern Israel attracts much attention from analysts and the public but our ability to understand it is hindered by ideology, prejudice, and myth. Many tread carefully when discussing Israel lest they be accused of antisemitism. In an earlier article, I…

Assam :  Where Indigenous People Confront Illegal Migrants

Even the middle-aged Assamese nationals remember that Assam agitation was initially propagated as ‘Bohiragata Kheda Andolan’ (literarily meaning agitation to deport outsiders) and later, redefined as an agitation against illegal migrants (from East Pakistan/ Bangladesh) by the intellectuals and media…

“Noble Lies”: How the Neocons Hijacked US Politics and Subsequently Altered America’s Trajectory 

This piece of writing is a twenty page essay that synthesizes and ties together a particular group of recent and fairly recent decisions and doings that, in my view, will be looked back on in years to come as the…

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