

Turing Test: why it still matters

Harry Collins, Cardiff University for The Conversation We’re entering the age of artificial intelligence. And as AI programs gets better and better at acting like humans, we will increasingly be faced with the question of whether there’s really anything that…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence starts from Km. 0 of Madrid

On October 2, 2019, the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence has been launched at Km.0 of Madrid, which will cover the planet until March 8, 2020, when it will end in the same place. After Rafael de la…

The fightback against Facebook is getting stronger

Leighton Andrews, Cardiff University for The Conversation Facebook leader Mark Zuckerberg recently took the unusual step of visiting lawmakers in Washington, including President Donald Trump in the White House. The reason? Congress’s anti-trust sub-committee has started demanding documents from Facebook…

How South Africa forced Gandhi to reckon with racism and imperialism

Born 150 years ago, Gandhi’s perceptions about human sensibilities, social power and political truths began their transformation not in India, but South Africa. Mary Elizabeth King October 1, 2019 Born 150 years ago this week, Mohandas K. Gandhi was a…

The Global Climate Movement is Failing: Why?

It has been satisfying to note the significant response to two recent climate campaigns: the actions, including the recent Global Climate Strike, initiated by school students inspired by Greta Thunberg and the climate actions organized by Extinction Rebellion. While delighted…

10,000 People a Day Must be Freed to End Slavery by 2030

GENEVA, Sep 27 2019 (IPS) – “Six years after initiating my term as Special Rapporteur, it is sobering to say that the way to freedom from slavery remains long in spite of the legal abolition of slavery worldwide,” said UN…

Climate Strike part 2: 27/9/19. In total more than 6 million in the streets

Between last week’s marches and yesterday, massive demos have taken place all over the world to demand urgent action on fossil fuels responsible for climate change, pollution induced illness and death and to end the culture of business as usual…

10 Ways that the Climate Crisis and Militarism are Intertwined

By Medea Benjamin The environmental justice movement that is surging globally is intentionally intersectional, showing how global warming is connected to issues such as race, poverty, migration and public health. One area intimately linked to the climate crisis that gets…

Change society to fight climate crisis or drown in rising sea level, warns UN report

By Countercurrents Collective A new report – Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, – warns: failure to fight out climate crisis will mean devastation for coastal cities, Arctic communities, small island states, anyone who relies on…

The dirty secret of capitalism — and a new way forward

Nick Hanauer is a rich guy, an unrepentant capitalist — and he has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling pre-revolutionary France. Hear his argument about why…

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