

GCAP: we call on Russia, Ukraine, NATO, United States, European Union to seek a long-term, sustainable political solution for all parties

We are shocked by Russian President’s decision to invade Ukraine. We condemn this war      with wide-ranging civilian casualties and demand an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops.   We stand with Ukraine. We express our solidarity with…

Parallel Realities

Nothing so disturbing as the fact of ignoring everything. “To apprehend reality by immersing oneself in it” was the motto of Ryszard Kapuscinski, the great Polish reporter whose time on this planet left a profound mark on journalism and on…

The dangerous assumption that violence keeps us safe

One of the most popular — and dangerous — assumptions in the world is that violence keeps us safe. I live in the United States, a country where the more guns we have, the less safe we are. That helps…

From the aquarium

Conscience continues to deny the reality of what is happening. This crime and the terrible mistake of the Russian power is a direct consequence of a series of previously calculated criminal actions of the West. The West dream of this…

War is a disaster. Let’s build peace

The conflict situation in Ukraine, which affects a population already marked by years of suffering, has reached a breaking point and the risk of a war without winners and losers is becoming more tangible and real. With every hour that…

Haven’t there been enough wars in Europe?

Isn’t it enough that 150 million people died in the two world wars? Are we the people again the fuel of their geostrategic interests? These days we are witnessing a grotesque spectacle between the US with NATO, and Russia, taking…

Finding a Path for Peace and Neutrality in Ukraine

The backdrop to the current “crisis” over Ukraine—real, imagined or exaggerated—is the snarling confrontation of NATO and Russian forces in a sweeping arc from the Baltic to Black Seas. This standoff in turn is attributable to the expansion of NATO…

The Illegality of NATO

By John Scales Avery. Recent threats of war over Ukraine Russia understandably fears the eastward expansion of NATO. Recently NATO countries, led by the United States, have supplied arms to Ukraine. There is a threat that the tensions building up…

We are not at war with anyone. Chile repudiates and renounces war

This popular initiative proposal has already been published and is ready to collect the 15,000 signatures needed to be part of the process of incorporating popular initiatives into the drafting of the new Chilean Constitution. The link to support the…

SIPRI: 2021 Stockholm Security Conference

On 8–11 November, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) will convene the sixth annual Stockholm Security Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Battlefields of the Future: Trends of Conflict and Warfare in the 21st Century’. The conference…

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