

Rana Salmar: ‘The label of “terrorism” used to criminalise and delegitimise Palestinian self-determination’

Israel and Palestine: a conflict, a colonial occupation, a racist apartheid system, and an “incremental genocide” that has lasted some 80 years and has resumed more violently than before after October 7, 2023. What political solution today for Palestine? We…

Chomsky and Prashad: Cuba Is Not a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Cuba, a country of eleven million people, has been under an illegal embargo by the United States government for over six decades. By Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad Despite this embargo, Cuba’s people have been able to transcend the indignities…

Reporting Terrorism & Violence: Media Profits and Pitfalls

Over the last century, terrorism seems to have become a widespread issue in the world. News of violence is frequently talked about in the media, and it seems as though these actions are becoming more prominent and widespread. Is this…

Far-right terrorism in Germany: Walter Lübcke’s murder and the NSU

The main suspect in Germany’s most prominent far-right political assassination since World War II has closed his defense in court. He and his alleged accomplice have been linked to the National Socialist Underground. The lawyer defending Stephan E.*, the neo-Nazi…

Switzerland: Draft anti-terrorism law sets ‘dangerous precedent’, rights experts warn

A proposed new anti-terrorism law in Switzerland could set a dangerous precedent for the suppression of political dissent worldwide, a group of five independent UN human rights experts warned on Friday. The draft legislation, currently before the Swiss Parliament, expands…

19 years after 9/11, Americans continue to fear foreign extremists and underplay the dangers of domestic terrorism

On a Tuesday morning in September 2001, the American experience with terrorism was fundamentally altered. Two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six people were killed as the direct result of attacks in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania. Thousands more, including…

If defending life on Earth is extremist, we must own that label

George Monbiot For The Guardian Police say climate groups such as Extinction Rebellion are a ‘threat’. They’d have done the same for the suffragettes and Martin Luther King It’s not an “error” or an “accident”, as the police now claim.…

‘How dare they’ – Extinction Rebellion responds to terrorism slur by Police

How dare they. Children up and down the country are desperately fighting for a future. Teachers, grandparents, nurses have been trying their best with loving nonviolence to get politicians and big business to do something about the dire state of…

The US-led global war on terrorism has succeeded… in creating more global terrorism

Since 9/11, the regions where the U.S. military has been most active—countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia—have seen a five-fold increase in violent attacks –  by Jon Queally, staff writer For Common Dreams – In the 17 years…

Heroism, terrorism and social violence: Notes in political psychology III

The times of Renaissance and Enlightenment were reactions to the agricultural civilization’s system crisis and thus re-claimed the ancient rationalist thinking; this made Europe the leader of the historical evolution. The “grown-up” moral motivations were newly gaining strength together with…

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