

Scientists Create Artificial Worm Gut That Breaks Down Plastic

News of plastic-eating enzymes and insects has been making headlines in recent years. Take, for example, fungi that digests plastic in coastal salt marshes, or the greater wax moth caterpillar that can live on polyethylene in its larval stage. However, to utilize these plastic-eating…

China Extending Capabilities In Reengineering Global Opinion

Viewpoint by Zi Yang* SINGAPORE (IDN) – On March 21, 2018, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) released its ‘Plan for Deepening Reform of Party and State Organs’. Among the 60 items added to China’s reform agenda, four were related to…

Singapore: Yee’s guilty verdict is a sad indication of the limits of free speech

By Marte Hellema and Joses Kuan* As the world responds to the guilty verdict of Amos Yee, thoughts should not just focus on how a 16-year-old ended up in this predicament, but on what it says about the state of…

Singapore: democracy from another angle

Lionel Mok was inspired to pen these words because of the Occupy Central protests and his awareness of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s speech, on Sunday, August 17, 2014, plus his experience there in Singapore, and his comments are highly…