
Science and technology

Monopolistic concentration of technology is a threat to democracies

“We are under fire from (at least) three simultaneous wars: an Economic War unleashed to give another “turn of the screw” against the working class; a Territorial War to ensure control, meter by meter, against the mobilisations and social protests…

Science, belief, meaning and objectification

By Javier Zorrilla Eguren & Edmundo De la Torre Ugarte Humanist Centre of Studies, New Civilisation, Lima-Perú We usually understand science as an activity that interprets and transforms the world based on the logical organisation of data, validated by a…

Technology for life in the midst of unspeakable death

“The remote-controlled robot waiting to save lives on Syria’s urban battlefields A rebel computer engineer has developed a robot to carry sniper casualties to safety. Now all he needs is a bulldozer chassis By John Beck for, Thursday 13 February 2014 07.00…