

TEPCO confirms leak of 5.5 tonnes of radioactive water from Fukushima nuclear power plant

Approximately 5.5 tonnes of water contaminated with radioactive materials have leaked from equipment at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, local media reported Wednesday. At around 08:53 local time on Wednesday, workers discovered a water leak at the outlet of…

Japan’s plan to dump radioactive water in the ocean rejected nationally and internationally

According to the Japanese government’s plan, this Thursday the 24th, contaminated water from the nuclear accident in Fuskushima in 2011 will be released into the ocean. Japan assures that the water has been treated, but protests from different fronts are…

Don’t Nuke the Pacific/ Don’t Nuke the Hudson River – Rally and March on Saturday, April 8, 1PM

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World and other NY groups will rally to oppose Japan and Holtec’s plans to dump radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean and the Hudson River respectively. In April 2021, the Japanese government announced that it…