
Mother Nature

A Giant Millipede is Found Again After 127 Years 

It all began one morning when Christina Biggs, lost species officer for Re:wild, saw a giant millipede crawling over her boot. “I filmed it for a while because I thought it was cool, having no clue that it was an…

I am a Leaf

Earth Day poem #2     Before the old streetsweeper comes I take a lingering look at the leaves now burnt brown crusty and curled on their new concrete bed down their original home still standing up to the clearing…


Earth Day poem #1     This morning, I picked flowers on the wayside as the sun tarried with its light, pinched off a stem with orange blooms just dotting palm-sized leaves, then a solitary hibiscus queenly in yellow and…

Development Network Pushes for ‘Rights of Nature’ Law

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – A social development and advocacy network is aiming for a legislative path that will provide Mother Nature its own legal rights and be recognized through a law. Recognizing ‘Rights of Nature’ means that human activities and…