

Important Mapuche meeting on health and medicine based on ancestral knowledge

Wvnen Xawvn, tayiñ Bawehtuwvn”, “Wvnen Xawvn, tayiñ Bawehtuwvn”. At a crucial moment for the health of humanity where the response of the pharmaceutical market was to place life and health as a commodity in the hands of multinationals, the Mapuche…

Mapuche woman elected president of the Chilean Constitutional Convention

“we express our solidarity for the suffering of the native peoples of canada”. By Claudia Aranda The Mapuche teacher, together with the ancestral spiritual authority, Machi Francisca Linconao, went up to the podium, where the new president of the Constitutional…

Juan Guzmán Tapia: A Coherent Man

Over the years, the impossible becomes reality: Juan Guzmán does justice. At the cost of cutting his judicial career short, at the cost of losing promotions and opportunities typical of that office, but with the advantage of receiving, as few…

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