

Nobel peace prize: hunger is a weapon of war but the World Food Programme can’t build peace on its own

By awarding the 2020 Nobel peace prize to the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), the Nobel committee said that it wanted to “turn the eyes of the world to the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of hunger”.…

‘Liberated’ Afghanistan: More than One Million People on the Move

Human Wrongs Watch Seeking $150 million for aid efforts in Afghanistan, the top United Nations relief official on 7 September 2016 called on the international community to urgently scale up its support for the war-torn country so that it can…

Just 48 Million Dollars Needed To Provide School Meals in West and Central Africa

Human Wrongs Watch 30 August 2016 – The United Nations food relief agency today warned that it urgently needs $48 million for its school meals assistance programme in West and Central Africa to avoid having more than 1.3 million children…

Lake Chad Basin: 2,5 million Children Displaced, Trapped – UNICEF

Human Wrongs Watch Years of violence by Boko Haram in Africa’s Lake Chad basin, which includes Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger, have led to a worsening humanitarian crisis that has displaced 1.4 million children and left at least one million…

South Sudan Exodus: 900,000 Refugees in 2,5 Years

Human Wrongs Watch Some 60,000 people have fled South Sudan’s recent violence in the capital city of Juba, bringing the overall number of South Sudanese refugees in neighboring countries since December 2013 to nearly 900,000 [out of an estimated 14…

‘Monster’ El Niño Subsides, ‘Monster’ La Niña Hitting Soon

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 18 July, 2016 (IPS) – As if human-made armed conflicts, wickedness, rights abuse, gender violence, cruel inequality and climate catastrophes were not enough, now the saying “God Always Forgives, Men Sometimes, Nature Never”…

‘Modern World Is Chaotic, Confused; Human Security a Must’

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 11 July 2016 (IPS) – The question is simple and the answer, short: does eating more mean being better nourished?… Not necessarily! On this, top United Nations agencies dealing with food and health…

‘El Niño Puts 26.5 Million Children at Risk in Eastern and Southern Africa’

Human Wrongs Watch 27 June 2016 – One of the strongest El Niño events ever recorded has placed the lives of 26.5 million children at risk of malnutrition, water shortages and disease in ten countries in Eastern and Southern Africa,…

Europe Must Help Combat Hunger, Malnutrition — Failure Will Only Boost Migration, Stoke Conflicts

  Human Wrongs Watch European governments must help combat hunger and malnutrition on a global level, as failure to do so will only boost migration flows and stoke conflicts,FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. “Food insecurity and conflict go hand in…

‘Zero Hunger Is Not Just a Dream’

  Human Wrongs Watch Rome/New York — Global peace and sustainable development cannot be achieved without ending hunger, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva on 25 September 2014, told participants at a high-level UN meeting in New York.   “Food security…