

Japanese companies divest from cluster bombs

Four Japanese banks and insurance companies have stopped certain investments in producers making cluster bombs, according to reports today in several Japanese media outlets (in Japanese): Mainichi Newspaper, TV Asahi, Jiji Tsushin, Asahi Newspaper, and Tokyo Newspaper The reports say…

Humanity sadly lacking in both Koreas

In 1905, Japan made Korea its protectorate. Under the Japanese, Koreans were deprived of land and food, forced into labor, forbidden to publish newspapers, required to adopt Japanese names and worship Shinto shrines, victimized by medical experiments, bullied in school,…

We Condemn North Korea for Its Nuclear Test

Yesterday, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) conducted its 6th nuclear test.  This is a serious challenge to the international community, threatening peace and security of the world and the region.  We firmly condemn this outrageous act, which blatantly…

Remembering Nagasaki 72 years after the atomic bomb

Nagasaki Peace Declaration “No more Hibakusha” These words express the heartfelt wish of the Hibakusha that in the future nobody in the world ever again has to experience the disastrous damage caused by nuclear weapons. This summer, the wish has…

Nationwide protests oppose ‘anti-conspiracy’ bill, as Japan moves to remilitarize

By Lisa Torio June 8, 2017 for Waging Nonviolence Since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s “anti-conspiracy” bill entered the upper house of parliament in early April, thousands of people across the country have taken to the streets in protest. Demonstrations…

Japanese Government Should Make Sincere Effort to Reach Peaceful Settlement of the North Korean Issue

Statement: Yasui Masakazu, Secretary General, Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo) 1.  Responding to North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, the U.S. Trump Administration is reportedly deploying two destroyers carrying Tomahawk missiles and a carrier strike group of…

“The ban treaty will change the world”

The following statement was read by Hiroshima survivor Setsuko Thurlow, on behalf of ICAN, during the first series of civil society statements at the ban treaty negotiations conference. Distinguished Delegates, I am honored to be given this opportunity, as a…

No more Hibakusha

On Monday 27th of March, negotiations start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons. Campaigners from the ban treaty network, ICAN, gathered on the 25th and 26th to plan their strategies and to bring everyone up to date with the…

Japan detains movement leader to silence struggle against U.S. military bases

By Michael Caster On October 17, Hiroji Yamashiro was arrested for cutting a wire fence at a protest against a U.S. military base in Okinawa. He has been held in detention ever since. Yamashiro, the chairman of the Okinawa Peace…

Lucky timing stopped Fukushima being much, much worse

Here we reproduce the lastest information video from Fairewinds Energy Education in which Arnie Gundersen explains that but for lucky timing with the tsunami hitting while all the stations on the Japanese coast were fully staffed with people able to…

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