
Kristin Christman

Kristin Christman is author of Taxonomy of Peace

Korean crisis: “The U.S. never sees its own violations as wrong”

Americans are instructed that North Korea is an aggressor that violates international agreements and doesn’t negotiate. Until North Korea denuclearizes, we are told, the U.S. must continue rejecting its peace proposals. After all, North Korea withdrew in 2003 from the…

Humanity sadly lacking in both Koreas

In 1905, Japan made Korea its protectorate. Under the Japanese, Koreans were deprived of land and food, forced into labor, forbidden to publish newspapers, required to adopt Japanese names and worship Shinto shrines, victimized by medical experiments, bullied in school,…

U.S., Russia must repel greed, fear

By Kristin Y. Christman. First published in the Albany Times Union. John D. Rockefeller was incensed. It was the 1880s, and oil drillers had struck such enormous wells in Baku that Russia was selling oil in Europe at prices that…

Humanity and compassion are better ways to resolve conflicts

Constructive intelligence a smarter choice to finding peace in the world. Some maintain that intelligence acquired by the U.S. government, with methods ranging from torture to collection of Americans’ phone data, is necessary to prevent another 9/11. But let’s be…