

The roadmen’s house of Oulx has been cleared, a refuge for migrants en route to France

Last March 23, at 7.00 a.m., the police started clearing the roadmen’s house of Oulx, a shelter for migrants crossing the French border. The volunteers who were inside did not put up any resistance but just confined themselves inside. Right…

Supreme Court of India Orders Forced Eviction of 1 Million Adivasis

The Supreme Court of India has ordered the forced eviction of more than one million Adivasi and other forest-dwelling households from forestlands across 16 states after the government failed to defend a law protecting their rights. The final country-wide numbers…

New low for Europe as police bulldoze camps, tear gas asylum seekers, and shutter borders

Police attacked refugees with tear gas, water cannons, and stun grenades while dismantling the refugee camp in Calais and refusing migrants entry into Macedonia by Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams “The jungle burns,” reported Germany’s Die Zeit on…