

Greta Thunberg at Madrid March: Hope in the Streets, Not the U.N. Climate Summit

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg also addressed Friday’s climate march in Madrid. “The hope is not within the walls of COP25; the hope is out here with you,” said Thunberg, who inspired the global youth strike movement. AMY GOODMAN: Swedish youth activist…

The March for Climate in Madrid

Greta Thunberg was “the guest star” with all the media potential that follows. But the most striking event was the extraordinary mobilization in the streets of Madrid. The massive Climate March on Friday, December 6, brought together some 500,000 people. …

An appeal to parents of the Climate Summit

Our Kids’ Climate and Parents For Future coordinated 222 climate parent groups in 27 countries and together signed a passionate appeal for delegates to the COP25 conference in Madrid to reflect on love for their own children and act to…

COP25: Alternative Climate Summit Honors Those “Suffering the Crimes of Transnational Corporations”

We broadcast from Madrid, Spain, where the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP25, began Monday and will continue through next week, as environmental leaders from around the world gather to negotiate global solutions to the climate crisis. Activists…

COP 25, “Calidad humana” and the Sixth Mass Extinction

By Prof. Dr. Roberto L. Mayorga* This article was published in Spanish some days before a surprising and massive social unrest burst throughout Chile during the last week of October, preventing COP25 (International Conference of the Parties for the Environment)…

A Worldwide Revolution Is Underway

Puerto Rico. Hong Kong. Ecuador. Haiti. Lebanon. Iraq. And now, Chile. People are rising up around the world against austerity and corruption, defying police forces unleashed to suppress them. Many of these mass movements share a fierce critique of capitalism.…

Rebels Beyond Borders at COP25 in Madrid

The COP25 Climate Conference will now take place in Madrid from December 2nd – 13th. It’s where the largest countries and contributors to greenhouse emissions will come together from December to flesh out details of the implementation of the landmark…

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