

Humanist Party categorically rejects the ratification of TPP-11

Faced with the threat of eventual ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty, better known as TPP-11, the Humanist Party demands that the government, and in particular President Boric, fulfil its promise to get this project out of the Senate. Firstly,…

Doctor of Economics and Political Science on TPP-11: “Only 5 of the 30 chapters are commercial, the other 25 benefit transnationals”.

The professor of the University of Cambridge and Usach, José Gabriel Palma, explained about the TPP-11 that the treaty applies indirect expropriation, which is extremely harmful for governments, as any legislation that affects multinationals economically, such as an increase in…

On politics and religion

The young leaders of Gabriel Boric’s government only know by hearsay or by reading about the administrations of a Frei Montalva, Salvador Allende and Augusto Pinochet himself. You need to be 60 or 70 years old to have been a…

“Impasse” with Israel and crimes in Palestine: Broad and transversal support for President Boric’s decision

Different political sectors, as well as citizens, supported the Chilean President. One of them, Senator Daniel Núñez (PC), said that “what is ‘serious’ and ‘disconcerting’ is that while Israel implements a policy of extermination of the Palestinians, its foreign ministry…

The value of democracy in schools

With automatic registration and compulsory voting, 85% of citizens voted in the exit plebiscite that rejected the Constitutional proposal. This high voter turnout gives great legitimacy to the result and to the republican institutions. But the fact that voting is…

Boric in trouble

The cabinet reshuffle just implemented by President Gabriel Boric was one of the most embarrassing ceremonies in our institutional system in living memory. The lack of tidiness of some of his collaborators led the Head of State to appoint a…

Chile post exit plebiscite

Results and impacts on present and future politics It is highly unlikely that there will not be a shift towards a strengthening of the neoliberal model in the ambits of political power. In this scenario, the question is whether this…

It was September 11

It was very early in the morning when I heard the first shots, right in front of the building in the centre of Santiago where I lived. When I turned on the radio, I began to become aware of the…

The triumph of the indignados: The multiple factors behind the defeat of Apruebo in Chile

As Napoleon Bonaparte said in 1807 in the framework of the Peace of Tilsit “Victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan”, so the post-election reaction after the crushing victory of the Rejectionist option needs to be removed from…

Failure as a path

The day before yesterday Chile lived through what some are calling the biggest triumph of the right wing in its electoral history. Almost 62% of its population rejected the constitutional change project, which only two years ago was demanded by…

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